

There have been a number of postings recently relating Sinemet to fatigue.
I think perhaps that we should look at this problem in the reverse order.
I noticed that most, if not all, of the messages mention medication for
depression; others describe symptoms which could be considered to be
symptomatic of depression. One of the common symptoms associated with
Depression is fatigue, with the patient spending far more time than normal
sleeping or lying down. The reasoning that leads to a conclusion that Sinemet
can cause tiredness seems to be:

TakeSinemet.     2 to 3 hours    Feeling low; tired      Maybe Sinemet
Feeling good. => --------------=>It's not time for----=> makes you tired
                  later          my next Sinemet yet

I think it should be:
                                                      Conclusion: I've got
                              Sinemet is wearing      Depression and my tabs    TakeSinemet => 2to3 hrs -----> off: begin to feel     are wearing off more
Feeling good  --------      bad: depression returns   quickly

If the time over which thw Sinemet is effective  begins to reduce, the best
strategy is to go with the reduced time, rather than take a larger dose.

Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>