

Mary Ulmer wrote:
> My husband is on sinemet and permex.  Every time a new medicine is
> introduced, he takes a few days to  condition to it.  He usually hallucinates
> more (esp. at night, he may see people or  things that are not there) or get
> a little more unstable in his walking.
> He is having good results on sinemet and permex.  The two are given together
> often.  Good luck with your mother, caregivers are very special to their
> loved ones.  I think women with the disease are more independent, the men
> relying on their wives more.
Hello again... It took me a couple of months to get used to permax ( i
was already on sinemet and eldpryl)  its no wonder he is
I had top do it reallllly slowly 1/2 tab a day for a week, then the
next week upping it to a full tab a day... two years later I am on 4
tabs a day of permex .25mg a day as wwell as 4 sinemet abd 1 eldepry.

these are major serious brain chemical drugs, goooo sloower!
lisa in paradise
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