

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of gilman
Sent:   Monday, March 24, 1997 9:24 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Sleep - Help

Jackie: Since you are visiting the neurologist next week anyway, ask him about
continuing the Eldepryl.  My PD specialist has dropped it saying that it has
NOT been proven to be beneficial anyway.  I hope I have quoted him right. My
husband had taken it for 7 years.  He Now takes::  Sinemet 25/100 total 31/2
per day, 1 CR 50/200 and two amantadine in the A.M.   He is 71,  7 yrs since
diagnosed.  Just wondering why sany PWP are still taking it--.

Dear List Members,

My husband, Bob, 46, PD 7 years,  can fall asleep OK, but always wakes up
at 1, or 2 or 3 AM wide awake and can't go back to sleep.  He has mentioned
this to the neurologist before, but the neuro said "we all have difficulty
sleeping"  and more or less blew him off.  His neuro is otherwise a great
guy tho.  The neuro seemed unaware that this is a common complaint of
PDers.  Bob has tried Benadryl (the CORRECT ONE), but there was a nasty
side effect -- unable to urinate.  If anyone takes a sleeping pill or
tranquilizer and it works, please let me know because we are going to the
neuro next week and would like to take some info with us.  He takes
Eldypryl AM, second one at Noon, 3 25/100 Sinemet, 2 Permax.

Thanks for your thoughts,
