

I have trouble with volume, I speak too fast.  I do not yet work with a
speech pathologist, although I'm sure I will have to.  I have read some of my
poetry at an "open mike" (only there's no mike) and most of the people can't
hear me a lot of the time, if at all.   My singing voice is rusty.  No PD
operations yet.  It's tough, because some of my friends are getting deafer as
my voice fades.  Young people can usually hear me so far, although everybody
comments on how soft my voice is.

How exactly does the speech pathologist help you?  Has anybody been helped?
 I know some of you have gone through a Silverman course, but I belong to
I'm loath to take on some new Parkinsons-caused activity.  I like to do other
stuff as much as I can for as long as I can.  I don't like my whole identity
to be as a patient.                     Pianissimo-ingly and whisperingly
yours, Liz S/