

After reading the posting about GDNF trials being  carried on, I phone my
Pallid.neuro in Toronto to ask about this.

His comments:

(out of context)

These tests are a result of Monkey testing which showed promise

We did the first human test a few weeks ago

GDNF is a protein which we hope will stop the death of healthly cells thereby
causing PD.

At this time we are only testing humans for safety and side effects.   In
about 6 months we will see what if any results were gleaned from the first
test patients.
In about 12+ months all the test results will be available to us to determine
if we go on with this.

Because they are trying to keep a narrow window on test patients symptoms and
past history,  any patient having done PD brain surgery (pallidot) is NOT a
canditate for these tests.

(if you're thinking about volunteering remember,  these tests are for safety
and side effects)

He sounded quite upbead about the lets keep fingers
