

     Ciliary Neurotrophic Factor Neuroprotective In Huntington Model

     WESTPORT, Mar 27 (Reuters) - Encapsulated cells secreting ciliary
     neurotrophic factor (CNTF) exert a protective effect against
     striatal neuron degeneration when implanted in a monkey model of
     Huntington's disease. Dr. Dwaine F. Emerich of Cyto Therapeutics
     Inc. in Providence, Rhode Island, and colleagues at other
     organizations describe their experimental findings in today's
     issue of Nature.

     The researchers placed intrastriatal implants of control cells or
     "...polymer-encapsulated baby hamster kidney fibroblasts that had
     been genetically modified to secrete human CNTF..." in a series
     of cynomolgus monkeys. The animals were then injected in the same
     location with quinolinic acid, which produced a neuropathology
     like that seen in Huntington's disease.

     Monkeys implanted with control cells developed "...extensive
     lesions in the caudate nucleus and putamen which were elliptical
     in shape," but in monkeys implanted with CNTF-secreting cells,
     the size of these lesions was significantly reduced. The
     protective effect was directed at specific cell types,
     "...including GABAergic, cholinergic and diaphorase-positive
     neurons." Moreover, CNTF prevented retrograde atrophy of neurons
     in the motor cortex and preserved striatal innervation of the
     globus pallidus and substantia nigra.

     Dr. Emerich and colleagues suggest that the next step may be to
     examine the behavioral effects of this strategy in animal models
     of Huntington's disease. They also think the benefits of CNTF may
     be applied to the treatment of "...other neurodegenerative
     diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's."

     Nature 1997;386:395-399.

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