

Joyce--I was so sad to read your last line :"and by now it's too late"
But at least you tried---It is true that the DPAHC can be revised while
one is competent, and ours (the Ohio legal form) is very specific as to
restrictions, safeguards, etc. In addition, Peter and I have attached
a form we got elsewhere which give very detailed instructions as to what we
WOULD and WOULD NOT want in several clearly defined medical situations.
One at least of these would be applicable to a PWP who is not "terminal"
but wishes to reject the option of existing as a vegetable.  The patient
maintains control while competent, and canchange things in any respect,
or junk it ALL--IF she/he wishes. Ohio law now requires any hospital or
NH to ask a patient on admission if they have/know about the Living
Will and DPAHC.  Ours are on file with our local hospital, and at Peter's
latest ER trip we confirmed that they were aware of them.  The necessary
prelude to this is of course the kind of communication within the family
that  you, Joyce, TRIED to have...maybe others can learn from your esperience.
Thanks for sharing it.

Camilla Flintermann, CG for Peter, 78/7, Oxford,Ohio
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