

Please Fax or email your Congressmen asking them to, "Please Co-sponsor the
Morris Udall Bill for Parkinson's Disease Research."
Colorado (CO)                                       FAX Numbers
Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell         202-224-1933

Sen. Wayne Allard                            202-224-6471

Diana DeGette                                  202-225-5842

David E. Skaggs                                 202-226-3806
[log in to unmask]

Scott McInnis                                   202-226-0622

Bob Schaffer                                    202-225-8630

Joel Hefley                                       202-225-1942

Dan Schaefer                                    202-225-7885
[log in to unmask]

Connecticut (CT)                                 FAX numbers
Sen. Christopher Dodd                     202-224-1083
[log in to unmask]

Sen. Joseph Lieberman                       202-224-9750
[log in to unmask]

Barbara B. Kennelly                            202-225-1031

Sam Gejdenson                                202-225-4977
[log in to unmask]

Rosa L. DeLauro                            202-225-4890

Christopher Shays                        202-225-9629
[log in to unmask]

James H. Maloney                 202-225-5085

Nancy L. Johnson                 202-225-4488

District of Columbia (DC)         FAX Numbers
Eleanor Holmes Norton          202-225-3002