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Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 20:41:05 -0700
From: "Jesse D. Hurlbut" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply-To: PERFORM - Medieval Performing Arts <[log in to unmask]>
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: MRDS Kalamazoo Schedule

Here's a list of performance-related sessions and events at
Kalamazoo.  It is probably not a complete list.  Feel free to plug
other sessions that didn't make it here.

It would be nice if session organizers could send abstracts from
their sessions to PERFORM so we could have a sneak preview of what's
coming up

(and Other Sessions of Interest)

Thursday, May 8, 10:00 am
Session 12 (MRDS)
Sacrament and Sacrilege in Medieval and Renaissance Drama
Room 314
Organizer: Gerard NeCastro, University of Maine
Presider: Gerard NeCastro

1. Elizabeth Mazzola, The City College of New York
"Untransubstantiated Hosts and Royal Litter: Sacrament and Sacrilege in
The Tragedy of Mariam"
2. Lara Bieler Kwalbrun, City University of New York
"The Jew and the Sacred: Historical Configurations"
3. Victor I. Scherb, University of Texas-Tyler
"Sacrilege and Grotesque Realism in the Digby Mary Magdalene"

Session 26
The York Doomsday Play Project
Room 1010 Fetzer
Sponsor: Centre of Information Management and Technology for
Organizer: Andrew Prescott, The British Library
Presider: Andrew Prescott

1. Meg Twycross, Lancaster University
"The Scribal Environment of the York Register"
2. Pamela E. King, University College of St. Martin-Lancaster
"The Maritime Heritage of the York Doomsday Play"
3. Louise Wheatley, York Company of Merchant Adventurers
"The Community of Mercers and Their Pageant"

Session 41
Medieval Drama
Room 1280 Schneider
Presider: David E. Lampe, State University College-Buffalo

1. Veronique Plesch, Colby College
"Notes for the Staging of a Passion Play"
2. James Stokes, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
"The Donington Cast List: Parish Guild Drama in Early Elizabethan
Lincolnshire English Drama"
3. Roger A. Ladd, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"Ye Herbered Me Full Hartefully: Civic Power and Charity in the York
Mercers' Last Judgment Play"

Thursday, May 8, 3:30 PM
Session 126
Ritual and Its Spaces in Medieval Europe
Room 1140 Schneider
Organizer: Joelle Rollo-Koster, University of Rhode Island
Presider: Janice Racine Norris, Binghamton University

1. Joelle Rollo-Koster
"Justice's Rituals and Public Space: The Dismemberment of Francois de
Cario in 1401 Avignon"
2. Lyn Blanchfield, Binghamton University
"La Piazza Delle Lacrime. Preaching, Weeping and the Use of Public
Space in XV-Century Italy"

3. Viginia Cole, Binghamton University
"The Ritual Space of Royal Palaces: Alms Giving in
Thirteenth-Century England"

Thursday, May 8, 8:30 P.M.
Le Gieu d'Amour: Songs and Dances of Medieval France
Dalton Recital Hall

Friday, May 9, 10:00 AM
Session 136
Medieval and Renaissance Drama II
Room 310
Presider: Donald Hoffman, Northeastern Illinois University

1. William Munson, University of Alabama-Huntsville
"Is Dramatization of a Sacrament Subversive?--The Case of the Towneley
and York Baptisms"
2. Margaret J. Arnold, University of Kansas
"Medieval Elements in Pimlott's Richard III"

Friday, May 9, 5:00 P.M.
Medieval Renaissance Drama Society Business Meeting
Stinson Lounge

Friday, May 9,  7:30 P.M.
The Sacred Bridge: Jews and Christians in Medieval Europe
Dalton Recital Hall

Saturday, May 10, 1:30 PM
Session 316
Room 310
Presider: John M. Boni, Northeastern Illinois University

1. Matthew Fike, American University in Bulgaria
"'And mermaidlike awhile they bore her up': Hamlet IV.vii.167-84"
2. Paul Rovang, Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
"Not All That Ruthless: King Lear and the Book of Ruth"

Session 344
The Medieval Face: Art, Drama, Literature I
Room 1220 Schneider
Organizer: Susan Yager and Gloria Betcher, Iowa State University
Presider: Gloria Betcher

1. Margaret Raftery, University of the Orange Free State
"Evil Incarnate: Representations of Devils in Medieval Drama"
2. Barbara Palmer, Mary Washington College
"The Face of the Virgin: Mary in English Words and Windows"
3. Brad Eden, North Harris Montgomery Community College District
"The Medieval Face in Music"

Session 351 (MRDS)
European Civic and Religious Spectacle
Room 1335 Schneider
Sponsor: Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society
Organizer: Karen Middaugh, Rocky River, Ohio
Presider: Karen Middaugh

1. Jesse D. Hurlbut, Brigham Young University
"The Sound of Civic Spectacle: Noise at Burgundian Ceremonial
2. Max Harris, University of Wisconsin-Madison
"The Martyrdom of Saint Sebastian with the Hobby Horses and the
Turks: A Catalan Corpus Christi Play"
3. Donald V. Stump, St. Louis University
"Forgetting the Old Testament Heroines: The Politics of Praise in
Elizabethan Royal Pageantry"

Saturday, May 10, 3:30 PM
Session 365 (MRDS)
Theorizing the Records: Methodological Approaches to the Production
and Use of Edited Dramatic Extracts
Room 314
Sponsor: Medieval and Renaissance Drama Society
Organizer: James C. Cummings, University of Leeds
Presider: Jesse D. Hurlbut, Brigham Young University

1. Anne Brannen, Duquesne University
"What is Drama? Considering Some Drunken Ghosts"
2. Patricia Badir, University of British Columbia
"The Space of Spectacle and the Place of Text: Representations of the
Resurrection at Beverley Minster c. 1200"
3. James C. Cummings
"Contexts, Questions and Confusions: Dramatic Activity in Norfolk"
Respondent: Theresa Coletti, University of Maryland

Session 396
Early Drama East & West: Early Western and Japanese Noh
Plays--Points of Comparison/Contrast
Room 1345 Schneider
Organizer: Maris Fiondella, Fordham University
Presider: Maris Fiondella

1. Maris Fiondella
"Religious Perception and the Stage in Early Western and Noh Plays"
2. Mikiko Ishii, Kanagawa University
"Mirror Images in Noh and Shakespeare"
3. Kuniyoshi Munakata, Shizuoka University
"Noh Adaptation of Shakespeare: A Video Discussion"

Sunday, May 11, 8:30 AM
Session 401
Legal Representations I: Legal Performances
Room 302
Organizer: James H. Landman, University of North Texas and Maura B.
Nolan, University of Notre Dame
Presider: James H. Landman

1. Bruce Holsinger, University of Colorado-Boulder
"Music, Discipline, and Forensic Sonority in Medieval England"
2. Maura Nolan
"Ritual and Trial: The Performance of Power"
3. Ruth Shklar, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
"'Naked as I Napped': Dreams and the Law in the York Plays"

Session 422 (EDAM)
Early Drama, Art and Music
Room 1220 Schneider
Sponsor:Early Drama, Art and Music (EDAM)
Organizer: Clifford Davidson, Western Michigan University
Presider: David Bevington, University of Chicago

1. Dunbar H. Ogden, University of California-Berkeley
"Costume in the Liturgical Drama"
2. Mary Remnant, London, England
"Musical Instruments in Medieval Drama"
3. Gunilla Iversen, University of Stockholm
"New Light on the Ordo Virtutum"

Sunday, May 11, 10:30 AM
Session 446
New Approaches to British Medieval Drama
Room 1040 Fetzer
Sponsor: Medieval Association of the Midwest
Organizer: Liam O. Purdon, Doane College
Presider: Liam O. Purdon

1. Paul Pellikka, University of Texas-San Antonio
"Emblematic Staging as Dramatic Principle in the N-town Mystery
2. John Velz, University of Texas-Austin
"Teaching Medieval Drama through Performance in a Modern Church"
3. Liam O. Purdon
"The Morality of Technology in the Towneley Mactatio Abel"

Session 454 (EDAM)
Technology, Guilds, and Early Drama
Room 1120 Schneider
Sponsor:Early Drama, Art and Music (EDAM)
Organizer: Clifford Davidson, Western Michigan University
Presider: Barbara Palmer, Mary Washington College

1. Gloria Betcher, Iowa State University
"Makers of Heaven on Earth"
2. Jon Terry Wade, University of Toronto
"Paint Your Wagon"
3. Philip Butterworth, Bretton Hall
"The Providers of Pyrotechnics in Plays and Celebrations"

Session ADD2
Performance of Gendered Bodies, Sacred and Profane
Room 1325 Schneider
Organizer: William Fitzhenry, Duke University and Jacqueline McEvoy,
Duke University
Presider: Jacqueline McEvoy

1. James R. Blaettler, Fairfield University
"The Virtuous Female Body: The Silos Thomas Relief"
2. Chris Chism, Rutgers University
"Robin, Mary, and the Minstrels: Gender and Performance
in the Early Ballads of Robin Hood"
3. William Fitzhenry
"Body and Voice: Gender and Preaching in the Digby Mary