

 Here's the post from the leader of our local support group, Jim Morner,
who has been trying to arrange a meeting with our Rep. Boehner. We worked
really hard on Boehner last year, to no avail--he's one who uses the
"object to earmarking" excuse that others have encountered. We plan to have
group members write to him and to Sen. DeWine at our meeting on 4/8.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From: [log in to unmask] (MR JAMES L MORNER)
Date: Wed,  2 Apr 1997 12:35:38, -0500
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Boehner

Camilla, I just got off the phone with Gary Rubman in Boehner's Wash.
office.  Boehner, who is in China with Newt, will probably not be
back in Hamilton much before Congress convenes.  I identified the
subject  we wanted to discuss and was informed that he, Boehner, has
not changed his mind about co-sponsoring or voting in favor of the
Udall bill.  He insists that the propper approach was allocating
money to the Nat. Health Boiard( or what ever the proper title is).
I tried to make a comparison with other specific allocations that are
"ear marked" but he wouldn't conceed any relation.  I think that
Boehner is a lost cause.  I told Gary we would be watching to see how
he voted.  There is another election next year.  I tried but probably
to no avail.  See you soon. Jim