

Well said Charlie!
I can't understand why anyone would WANT or need to take liquid Deprenyl -
the pills are so tiny and could be crushed anyway.  Imagine if you took too
much of the liquid deprenyl, you could be in real trouble, as you say.
Admittedly there may be the advantage of having it in liquid form, so that
swallowing is easier.
 I hope people are not confusing or comparing the benefits of Liquid
Sinemet (made by crushing tablets, and sipped as needed-- recipes have been
on this list previously) with liquid deprenyl.  The two drugs are
completely different and the liquid deprenyl would be taken once or twice
daily, as the pill is, BUT NOT frequently, as liquid sinemet.
Sorry if I am being too didactic - but like Charlie, I worry about these things!
Joy Graham

>Den Gen wrote:
>> Hi,
>> There's an address and phone # on the web site <> and they're pretty
>> clear as to how to get it.  Did you see the response on the list yesterday
>> re: a woman who has taken it?  I have responded back asking what her dosage
>> was or is.  Check it out.  Keep in touch.
>> Den
>For the people who are asking about Deprenyl citrate.  Deprenyl is the
>generic name for Eldepryl used in a large part of the world outside of
>the US. Whether deprenyl is taken as a liquid or a pill it is a potent
>drug and should not be taken without a physician's supervision.  It ia a
>selective inhibitor of monoamine oxidase ( I believe MAO-B) when taken
>in higher doses than the 5-10 mg usually prescribed it looses its
>Selectivity, and can interact with numerous other drugs or FOODS to
>cause a  potentially fatal hypertensive response.  It can be prescribed
>and given in higher doses but that is usually done for intracable
>depression and under close MD supervision.
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