

 I am new to the listserv, but am very excited to be here. I am 51 years old
and have been diagnosed with pd for 6 1/2 years.  My symptoms were rigidity
and slow movement. I am fortunate to not have the tremors.The docs call my
case atypical parkinson. It progressed from my left toes up my left side and
is now in my right toes. I became so involved that in Dec.'95 I had to retire
from 28 years of teaching. I suffered from severe depression this last Jan.
when my sinemet no longer was effective and I had to be  basically homebound
because I could no longer drive. I would walk with only a walker around the
house on off periods from meds and with a cane when I had an on period that
lasted only one hour or so at a time.  My doc suggested a stereotactic
pallodomity to relieve the symptoms on the left so I could be mobile again.
 I  had the surgery on March the 6th at Scott and White Hospital in Temple,
Texas.  It truly was a miracle from heaven. I am now able to walk without the
use of any assistance and am back to driving. The prognosis is unknown now as
to how long I will have this good of a result, or how long it will be before
my right side gets that involved.  I am thankful to God for each new day and
will try to be patient as I explore new areas of retirement.  It is mainly
difficult now to find a drug to control my depression.  Since the surgery I
found that I cannot tolerate the ticyclic antidepresssants or Prozac.  I am
now on Serzone as of two days ago. I would like
more information on antidepressants for pd's and on pallodomity results over
the longhaul.  I am also interested in communicating with other early onset
pd's.  I hope to start a support group for that age group in this area.  I
submitted an article to Guidepost and to Lutheran Witness mags about my
modern-day miracle just last week.  We all have to have faith, use the power
of prayer and expect the unexpected.
My E-Mail address is [log in to unmask] for anyone who would personally like
more information on the surgery or has information for me to help me prepare
for the rest of my life as a pd  person.  Thank you all for being here.