

Ivan Suzman  47/10   [log in to unmask]
Portland, Maine   land of lighthouses   47 deg.
Hi listfriends,

    The crocuses are FINALLY showing their leaftips in the old soil
beneath my kitchen window, and it is ACTUALLY spring! Goldfinches, purple
finches and house finches have appeared, and are sweetening the dawn
hours with their songs, and gobbling up HUGE quantities of black oil
sunflower seeds from the feeder by the back door.

    Maine's winters are almost endless, and I've been feeling DRAINED
lately  I  would like to ask everyone to try to find ways to make next
week a Week of HOPE for all of us, because we surely need HOPE to renew
ourselves for the next steps in the PD battle!

    It is an AWESOME week for me, and I am going to do everything I can
to promote Parkinson's Awareness.

     I have had some pins made up that say "NO PARKINSON'S/Together We
Will FIght For the Cure." They are white with red lettering, and have a
red diagonal slash , like a No Parking sign in Europe.

    I wear these pins and have extras I give away.  People always
They are about 1and 1/2" across. I had 400 made up, and only 24 are left.

    Monday, Gov. King is officially signing a PARKINSON's AWARENESS
MONTH proclamation.  Martha,the President of my support group, who just
had to go through the agony of placing her husband in a nursing home, and
my daytime CG, Arthur, are driving me an hour north, to the Capitol, for
Governor King's ceremony.

   Then on Tuesday,  my new listfriend, Dennis Greene, who is 47/10 like
me, has a pallidotomy in Australia. I am praying it all works out for him
and his wife, Jo and their daughters.

   On Wednesday, I am going to FLORIDA for a week, my first plane ride in
three years.  Arthur is going with me (I could never make the journey
Meanwhile, the UDALL BILL is introduced in Washington on Wednesday, and
then on Friday, April 11, it is World Parkinson's Day.  What a week!!

I am trying  to remain hopeful, and thought that I could share all this.
On April 23, I am going to Boston for a brain surgery consultation with
Dr. Elias, and will be comparing pig cell implant, pallidotomy and
pallidal stimulation options.

Thanks for listening,
