

To Den & all others following the pesticide thread -

Thanks to all who have written to me (or the List) about this.

I have been discussing this idea of pesticide exposure with my fiance
yesterday and today, and he has given me some new insights about his
father.  He said that he used to get after his dad for using so much bug
spray.  His dad (Jack) used to spray around the kitchen and the
cupboards, getting the pesticides on the plates, etc.  And pesticides
containing DDT were a particular favorite.  Before it was banned, he
really stocked up on it.

Furthermore, Jack is still "at it."  The other night, Clark said he went
into his parents' room where his dad had been spraying "cockroaches,"
and the room reeked of Raid.  Clark & I both doubt there were any bugs
in there - Jack not only has mild hallucinations, but his eyesight has
become rather poor.

I still don't know if there is any correlation between pesticides and
PD, but it seems quite possible.  We've basically decided not to burden
his parents with this theory - I don't want Jack to feel guilty or
responsible.  However, I'm not sure if or how we should go about
discouraging his usage of bug sprays.

As you said, Den, knowing about pesticides may not lead to a cure.
These chemicals probably affect everyone differently, and some people
may be more sensitive to them than others.  However, I know I'm going to
continue to avoid them - just in case.

co-CG for Jack (76/7) and Marguerite (71/1)
Katy, TX

Den Gen wrote:
> I am curious about the possible connection between exposure to pesticides and
> pd.  I know that it has been looked at but I also know that a meeting I went
> to about 3 years ago with top researchers in the field of pd, no one had
> really done a significant study on this subject.  This is not to say no one
> has, but in this group no one had.  I wonder if you (Shannon) could identify
> which pesticides your father in law used most as a beginning and the rest of
> us could see if there was ever any significant exposure in our lives to that
> substance.
> I realize this probably won't contribute to a cure but perhaps a preventive
> for the future.
> As always, searching for explanations.
> Den