

> Fra: Joao Paulo Carvalho <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Re: Craniosacral ?
> Dato: 4. april 1997 21:24
> Carol L. Brow wrote:
> >
> > My mother's physical therapist recommends
> > you try craniosacral therapy esp. in the
> > TMJ and other areas where muscles
> > attachments are associated with the
> > ears.
> >
> > Has any one used craniosacral therapy
> > for PD other than my mother.
> > Who, by the way gets great results
> > with balance and coordination.
> >
> > Carol Brow
> > care giver for Mary Louise Brow 87/ PD and dimensia
> Never heard of...what is it ?
> Regards,
>    +----| Joao Paulo de Carvalho   |------ +
>    |         [log in to unmask]     |
>    +--------| Salvador-Bahia-Brazil |------+

Dear listfriend.
My exam. physical therapist is treating me with craniosacral therapi, not
each time I`m there, but when I e.g.suffer from  headeck because sometimes
I`m very stiff in my neck she use it.I can`t tell you if my balance is
better, but after the treatment my head is like a "feather" and it is a
good feeling. I join her one hour every Wensday, and PWP are not paying for
the the treatment in Denmark, because we are suffering from an incurable
and progressiv disease. It`s a new law from 1996.
If you want further information I`ll ask her.
Regard from Sonia