

FOR RESEARCH purposes, re:  those who were exposed to PESTICIDES.....
Do you recall other family members exposed in this same environment as showing
any effects to the exposure?  We need to keep family records.  Talk to older
family members and collect all the info you can while they are living.
Ask for symptoms.  Death certificates don't tell us much.
 HEREDITY?  another subject: My husband has PD, his father's brother was
diagnosed in his 80's, and they remembered their grandfather in bed with shaky
hands & always had candy for them.   His brother is now researching Celiac
Disease, an allergy to wheat, rye, oats...very serious but
grains. They say it is hereditary.  Encourage your family to keep records.

From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange on behalf of Dwayne James
Sent:   Friday, April 04, 1997 1:33 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Thanks

Hello all,
        First let me thank everyone who welcomed me onto the list so
promptly.  I responded to them privately, pardon me if that was a breach
of etiquette by excluding other members from the information exchanged.
        Your messages were kind and inspiring.

        I found Sharron's reference to bug sprays interesting.  My father
(just diagnosed with PD for those who missed my last message) used to
tell me stories about growing up on the farmhouse in the 40's and 50's.
HIs father would spray the kitchen with a heavy dose of bug spray before
every meal to keep the bugs from bothering them at meal time.  He said he
would watch the spray settle onto the food.  I know that there is
absolutely no way to prove a connection, but an interesting thing to note
anyhow eh?

        By the way, what do the numbers following the names mean?  I'm
guessing age and number of years since diagnosis of PD?

Thanks again,

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