

Ivan Suzman  47/10
Portland, Maine  .......  land of lighthouses .........  27deg.and
Hi Tom Riess,

WHEN MY DOPAMINE LEVEL DIMINISHES (wearing off of pills), I lose voice
volume, slur, cannot sing.Also cannot concentrate, due to muscle cramping
and pain in feet, legs, neck, forearms.

My bass voice becomes flattened, rapid and acquires a weird, duck-like
quality. My breath trails off and sounds fade before being completed.

My  voice control goes.  Consonants become indistinct.  Round "AH" and
"O" vowel sounds lose resonance. People ask me to speak up, but I can't.

Breath is lessened and airstream is choppy. Lung inflation is lessened.

Also, normal erect posture wilts, legs go rubbery and weak, and standing
up is impossible. In short, I lose any semblance of normal speech.

I have no surgical or speech therapy history.

I sing in the Maine Gay Men's Chorus.  Weekly practices are 2and 1/2
hours long.  I am sure this voice training adds immeasurable power and
control to my speaking voice and my singing voice, when my medicines have
switched me "on."