

Hi to you all

Our Field Officer has requested me to ask for information on the drugs
Pergolide  and Kemadrin - their possible benefits and side effects - she is
trying to help her PD client Roger who is having a rough time.

Case History :  Roger - aged 49 - diagnosed PD 1994

Passed Medication : Selegiline - two per day for 2 yrs - effective
initially but  gradually became less effective.

                Bromocriptine was experimented with but had unacceptable
side effects.Over the passed eight months Roger has been on Pergolide (up
to 4 - 0.25gm tablets per day) and now Kemadrin is being tried - not
encouraging as depression and irrational behavior appears as unpleasant
side effects.

To date Levadopa has been resisted but maybe necessary soon as Roger's PD
is progressing with  intermitent freezing, depression, muscle stiffness and
behavioral problems developing.

Roger suspects that Permolide & Kemadrin are having negative effects - he
would welcome information about these two drugs &/or experience of them.

Hope for comments and helpful suggestions

Jim Caldwell <[log in to unmask]>