


Thank you for your nice letter!

Yes, I have my theories about Jack & Marguerite's PD.  The leading
contender has to do with Jack's affinity for bug killers, weed killers
etc.  (Disclaimer - this is entirely based upon conjecture, not any
medical evidence or research!)  But I figure that if, for example, wasp
killer has the effect it does on the nervous systems of wasps, what does
it do to humans?  What do you think?

Jack has the "classic" PD symptoms: right-side tremor, rigidity, some
freezing, etc.  Marguerite, on the other hand, has less definite
symptoms.  She has a shuffling gait, some freezing and rather frequent
falls.  There have been times we have even questioned her diagnosis, but
she did respond to Sinemet, at least at first.  Anyway, my "theory"
follows that Marguerite has had more of a "second-hand" exposure to the
chemicals, therefore not being affected as dramatically.

But then, who knows?  Jack spent much of his career as an engineer
working on pipelines.  Perhaps he was exposed to other toxins or metals?

What I do know is that although it is sometimes difficult with the four
of us living together, I am very grateful for this chance to get to know
Clark's parents better - certainly better than I would have before we
moved from Nebraska to Texas to live with them!

Well, I've rambled on long enough!

Take care and goodnight,

Shannon Uehling
co-CG for Jack 76/7 and Marguerite 71/1
Katy, TX

GLLJLL wrote:
> ---------------------------
> TO Shannon Uehling
> ___________________________
> Shannon - I found it most interesting that both of your fiance's parents
> have PD.  Do they (or you) have any "theories" as to what may have caused
> them both to develop the disease?  Were they exposed to any toxins or
> metals?
> You and your fiance' should be commended for taking on the care of both
> parents.  God bless your efforts!
> JANICE LONG (54/19)