

There are many worse conditions then Parkinsons.  There are also
many advantages, at least, to have Parkinsons then something
worse.  Caregivers top the list, I don't know of any other
illness that has as many caring people.  There seem to be more
care people here then the people with the illness itself.  I hear
that you don't die from Parkinsons, that must be an advantage.
As for the person who suggested to tie a knot in the end of the
rope, as long as you don't make it a slip knot, that would be all
right, I guess.  As for vivid dreams, it is better then going to
a movie, as the dream is free.  As for toxins, we seem to be
poluting this planet more and more each year.  Are there more
cases of Parkinsons today as a result?  Will the decline in the
use of mercury in your fillings in your teeth result in fewer
Parkinsons patients? Does any Parkinson patient smoke tobacco?
Anyway, it is best to believe, as whatever you believe it true,
at least to you, eh?