

Subject:          How To Talk To Your Doctor

David Elfstrom's "How To Talk To Your Doctor" site is an outstanding
example of how people can use the Internet to help each other. He

"As a person with chronic inflammatory arthritis, and as a student
moving back and forth between two cities, I see a large number of
family physicians, surgeons and specialists. Here's a few things I do
to make appointments with my doctors run smoothly. Using these
strategies, my doctors have been more open to trying new treatments
that I suggest. At the same time, it's helped to identify other health
problems that could have been overlooked. It's also kept me from
falling between cracks in the health care system and caught small
mistakes made by doctors. The end result is that my health has
improved, going to see the doctor is no longer stressful or alarming,
and I find myself eagerly anticipating my next visit."

Mike Schelling
Missing Children/Parenting/Health/Education/Travel/Stuff
Washington DC


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