

Learned people have been truing to discover the cause of
Parkinsons for years.  The environment is suspected, but not
proven.  The trouble is, that everyone exposed to a particular
polutant does not get Parkinsons.  It is the same for certain
types of Cancer, like Lung Cancer and Skin Cancer.  Everyone who
smokes does not get lung cancer, and everyone exposed to the sun
does not get skin cancer.  Everyones reaction seems to be
different.  Myself, I smoked for 40 years, then quit for 2 years,
and did not get Parkinsons until I quit smoking, yet some smokers
do get Parkinsons.  They claim that the reason that fewer smokers
get Parkinsons then non-smokers, is that smokers don't live long
enough to get Parkinsons.  If exposure to chemicals is the cause,
then why do some people who are exposed get Parkinsons, and
others don't?
One thing I do notice about having Parkinsons, at least in my
case, I never get sick anymore.  Before Parkinsons was diagnosed,
I got colds, the flu, and seemed to catch almost every virus
going around.  Since I got Parkinsons, I never catch a virus.  Is
this the case with anyone else?
Anyway, this is a laymans opinion, is probably all wrong, but is
right for me, as I believe.  I am a firm believer in believing
you can, as if you believe you can't, you sure can't.
signed Billy Baird ( [log in to unmask] )