

At 09:45 AM 4/6/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Learned people have been truing to discover the cause of
>Parkinsons for years.  The environment is suspected, but not
>proven.  The trouble is, that everyone exposed to a particular
>polutant does not get Parkinsons.  It is the same for certain
>types of Cancer, like Lung Cancer and Skin Cancer.  Everyone who
>smokes does not get lung cancer, and everyone exposed to the sun
>does not get skin cancer.  Everyones reaction seems to be
>different.  Myself, I smoked for 40 years, then quit for 2 years,
>and did not get Parkinsons until I quit smoking, yet some smokers
>do get Parkinsons.  They claim that the reason that fewer smokers
>get Parkinsons then non-smokers, is that smokers don't live long
>enough to get Parkinsons.  If exposure to chemicals is the cause,
>then why do some people who are exposed get Parkinsons, and
>others don't?
>One thing I do notice about having Parkinsons, at least in my
>case, I never get sick anymore.  Before Parkinsons was diagnosed,
>I got colds, the flu, and seemed to catch almost every virus
>going around.  Since I got Parkinsons, I never catch a virus.  Is
>this the case with anyone else?
>Anyway, this is a laymans opinion, is probably all wrong, but is
>right for me, as I believe.  I am a firm believer in believing
>you can, as if you believe you can't, you sure can't.
>signed Billy Baird ( [log in to unmask] )
billy i got to agree with you. i smoked for 60yrs. doc. told to just cut
back. only get tierder now easer. but in the adfance ages of pd. when i get
to tired i fall a lot more often and studder. forget what i am going to say.
what is a cold,flu. don,t rember ha ha even no virus. don I.Y.Q.