

Hi to list friends
and a special hi to Ivan in Maine.
I think dressing up for the ceremony of the proclamation is a great Idea.
Make sure someone gets a good picture.  It will be the first -- and a
We Newfoundlanders congratulate you on your awareness events.

We will be very busy in April --  which happens to be the tenth time
we have declared "April is Awareness Month" A real change from the first!

-The Lieutentant Governor  has agreed to be our Patron.
-Our big banner with tulips and  "your  care will find the cure for
Parkinsons"  is on the outside of City Hall.
-On Wednesday  the 9th the exercise class is having an early Birthday
Party for Dr Parkinson---- Balloons, Cake, and Fun
-An information display is scheduled for the largest Shoppng Mall.
-We have an article on Parkinsons in one of those free  supermarket
newsheets for seniors.
-A neurologist is speaking to a business Luncheon club about Parkinsons
-We have a new pamphlet about Parkinsons, Chapter support  and activities
in Newfoundland.
-And I must not forget  the Cut-a-thon for Parkinsons on April 27th.
congratulations to the Awareness Committee for a good mix of fun and fact
Anne Rutherford   62/d1980
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