

> Fra: D. HARVIE/J.LONGLEY <[log in to unmask]>
> Til: Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN <[log in to unmask]>
> Emne: Confusion/Forgetfulness
> Dato: 2. april 1997 07:08
> On an off day I find it almost impossible to think things through,and to
> remember things I should be doing.Does anyone have any helpful
> suggestions,or experiences they can share?

>                           Don    59/12

Hello Don.
WHEN I have a real "off" day, because I have such days, I allow myself to
maybe feel pity for myself, be sad or angry, be in my bed etc. When I have
been throug all that feelings because it is necessary for my health not to
put them down,  I say to myself: before you became P:D you allso had "off"
days. BUT I allways know one thing, because I have tried it many times, it
will always be better - I hope for you too.
Best regards from Sonia