

Camilla - Does Peter usually administer his own meds at home, or do you take
care of it for him?  Dick takes his own meds, and feels free, with the
encouragement of his doctor, to add or subtract as he feels the need.

The reason I asked is that when Dick was hospitalized a couple of years ago
for non-PD-related tests, his doctor wrote orders for him to keep his PD meds
by his bedside (he brought his own from home), and to administer them himself
PRN.  This caused quite a stir in the hospital, and nurses who weren't
assigned to him came in to meet him, just to see this patient who could
administer his own meds!  Some of them really had a hard time adjusting to
the idea, and were pretty uncomfortable with it.  But others thought it made
perfect sense.

This would only work if Peter were used to administering his own meds and
determining his own schedule of meds, of course.  But I thought I would let
you know what we managed to work out.  Of course, having the doctor write
orders to increase his meds PRN should do the trick too.

Good luck to both of you.  We'll all be thinking of you.  Margie Swindler
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