

At 09:21 AM 4/12/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone have the following problems?  Upon waking, when I step on the
>floor, my whole body hurts, mostly my muscles.  It is more prominent a day
>after walking my treadmill or walking and playing nine holes of golf;
>especially the fronts of my thighs.  Some days I feel like I just ran the
>marathon.  In the moring I do feel a little better when my medications kick
>My internist took blood tests  and there wasn't any indication of
>inflamation, thus ruling out arthiritis.  My neurologist didn't seem
>concerned about it.
>I've always been physically active, so these symptoms are wearing me down
>My next step is to the library.  I diagnosed my parkinson's at the library,
>so I  am an
>old hand at this.
>Thanks for any information you can throw my way.
>[log in to unmask]
edie i have same prob. just saw my neur. yesterday. he said just go shor way
and rest. shoot about 2 holes and rest. as i could not walk for 8yrs. he
said iwas over doing it. so let shoot thru while you take rest. what you got
to loose. i golf bowld did it all. but can,t now. still bowl not like every
one else. just stant at line too a 8lb ball out on the lane fun
I.Y.Q. don