

Hi Nancy,

P> Did anyone see 20/20 Friday evening.  They told of a new treatment that
P> has
P> been used in France and it has been very successful on over 50 PDP.  The
P> info is suppose to be introduced in a week.  It was sort of like a pace
P> makers for the brain.  If a cure should happen, the "tools" could be
P> removed.  The people they showed had made a dramatic improvement.
P> Nancy

I am not sure that we are talking about the same thing, however, from
what you say here I get the impression that you are referring to the
"Deep Brain Stimulator" which is produced by Medtronics. They are
also the manufacturers of the heart pacemaker.

As with Pallidotomy, there is an intrusion in the brain. Unlike
Pallidotomy, no brain cells get destroyed. Instead, a hairlike device
is implanted and hooked up to a leadwire, which in turn is connected
to a battery which is implanted under the skin on one's chest. From
there it controls the electric activities of the brain cells and in
so doing decreases the tremor of one's limbs.

Although intrusive, it is said to be not much more than a 2-3 hour
operation to install the gizzmo.

for more info, contact
Suzanne Greaves at Medtronic of Canada ltd
(800) 268-5346
Karen Autio-Lucas
Territory mgr
Neuro Div
[log in to unmask]

Both these ladies are very helpful indeed.
Say hello when you speak to them.



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