

Congressman Marion Berry of Arkansas signed on today as a cosponsor of the
Udall bill!
Rep. Berry's aide, Courtney, said: "Congressman Berry said to tell you he was
very happy to sign on as a cosponsor!"
Congressman Asa Hutchinson's office called to say that he is "reviewing the 2
Parkinson's bills before deciding which one to support."
(According to Mark Myers, his aide,  Rep. Hutchinson is a member of the
"congress coalition against abortion" (or something like that),  of which
Rep. Chris Smith is president.  They are against fetal tissue
I told the aide that all the PWP I know & the organizations support the Udall
bill, etc., etc...& he said he would get back to me after talking to Rep. H.
about it.....

Rosemary Russell
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