


Dear fellow subscribers,
I recently joined the PARKINSN - mailing list and would like to introduce

My name is Ganesalingam, Narenthiran. I am a Junior Doctor, and
researcher at the University of Aberdeen Medical School in Scotland. At
present I working as an Invited Student Research Fellow in the
Department of Neurosurgery, Singapore General Hospital with Dr Prem Pillay,
who is a Visiting Senior Consultant Neurosurgeon here as well as the
Director, Pillay Brain -  Spine - Nerve Centre, Singapore.

One of Dr Pillay's area of clinical/research interest is in Pallidotomy
for Parkinsonism. I am presently working on a number of clinical projects in
this area.

I will benefit from being a member of this mailing list and, I hope I will be
a useful member of this group in turn.

I wish to thank the moderator of the mailing list for her kind and
splendid job in putting up and running this list, and also inviting me to
introduce myself.

Thank you very much for the kind attention.

Yours sincerely,
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