


It sounds as though you got lots of advice.  Your dad sounds very much
like mine.  My dad has done very well with the Clozaril for the
hallucinations.  He still has some, but understands that they are not
REAL - that is great help.

His reaction to morphine is like my dad also.  When he had a pacemaker
put in over Thanksgiving one year, he was really agitated, paranoid, and
totally different than usual.  My mom told the cardiologist that he has
a high pain threshold and does not need narcotics. He got so bad that
the nurses complained and he was discharged early which was a big load
on my mom. I went through the hospital bill and found that he had been
given narcotics, Valium, sleeping pills, etc.  I suggested my mom ask
the neurologist write the cardiologist to prevent this.  Unfortunately
when the pacemaker malfunctioned 3 years ago, he would not listen and in
order to calm him(the lower doses make him go crazy!) they gave him
massive doses putting him in a 2 month coma.  Still it is worth asking
the neuro to let other drs. know about his paradoxic response to certain
meds.  My dad cannot even take Benadryl without getting agitated instead
of drowsy.

Good luck - sounds like you are on the right track.

Aloha, Gail
Gail B. Post, RN,MS,CSN
Maryknoll Schools
Honolulu, HI 96822