

Thank you Jerry Starr for the information you offered.
Maybe you can enlighten me on why I have such a problem with my medications.
   I've been on many of the old standby meds and seem to have trouble with
them all.  I'm in an HMO, one of the best I'm told, but the Neuro I see is
close to impossible to workwith.  Fortunatly he is soon to retire so I will
be assigned a new doctor but until then I've had very little help.  My major
problem with all pd meds I've taken  are the side effects which are worse
than the pd itself.  After a few weeks of taking my pills, one Sinemet CR in
the AM and two or three 10/100' the rest of the day, one Eldepryl, Vit. E and
C and I can't stand the side effects anymore, I stop all and feel much better
for at least a few days.  One side effect - feeling  sleepy and spacey which
I can deal with, my doctor put me on Ritilin.   (Since I could feel no help
 it, I discontuined it.)

I  have had a CAT scan and about a year ago, an MRI.   Do some pd's have
these same problems with medications.

Just saw the 20/20 bit on Parkinsons.  Awesome.  Looks like the best bet so
far.  I'm a hopeless optomist so I know something wonderful will happen soon.
 Is this it?     HC