

Today we sent this to our Senator DeWine, while the local group was
doing a letter writing project--hope it helps!  Peter and Camilla
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Date:         Tue, 08 Apr 97 11:41:52 EST
From:         Camilla Flintermann <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      Udall bill
To:           Mike DeWine <[log in to unmask]>
X-Mailer:     MailBook 95.01.263
Message-Id:   <[log in to unmask]>

Dear Senator DeWine,  as I was not well enough to attend the meeting of our
support group for Parkinsonians today I am writing you now instead of at the
meeting. I am a retired University librarian (Miami U. in Oxford), age 78
and diagnosed with Parkinson's 8 years ago. I had to retire from my job
in 1978 due to health problems which now I know were due to the gradual
onset of Parkinson's.  I now take medication every 2 hours around the clock,
with help from my wife. When she has surgery next week, I will have to go to
a nursing home for a few days, as I cannot stay alone.
I tell you all this to let you know why I personally appreciated your being
a co-sponsor of the Udall bill for Parkinson's Education and Research last
year, which passed the Senate unanimously but was held up in the House,and
is now being re-introduced tommorrow, April 9.  It is my most ,
that you will again sponsor and support the new bill--much research is in the
wings which promises results for better treatment or even a cure.  I am on
the slippery slope, losing ground daily, but there are many younger folks
with this disease who could continue to be productive citizens and taxpayers,
instead of a drain on the country, if there were better treatments or a cure.

My wife is typing this for me, as my typing is too slow and unsteady to do it.
She joins me in the hope that you will again help us in this fight against a
terrible, crippling enemy--Parkinson's disease.

Thanks again for your past support--Mr.&Mrs. Peter C. Flintermann
                                    6135 Fairfield Rd. #25
                                    Oxford,OH  45056