


The Udall bill's newest leader Senator John McCain of Arizona, knows
Parkinson's and the toll it can take.

McCain is a long-time friend of Mo Udall, and visits him regularly at the
Veterans long-term care facility in Washington D.C.

Senator McCain also has first hand experience with physical hardship.  While
serving as a Naval aviator during the Vietnam War, he was captured, tortured
by the North Vietnamese and help as a prisoner of war for five and a half

After returning home, he entered elective office, serving two terms in the
House of Representatives (1982-1986) before being elected to the Senate in
1986.    McCain speaks fondly of his days as a freshman in Congress when
Udall, a liberal Democrat and Chairman of the House Interior Committee,
guided McCain, a young "Reagan Republican" and the committees junior Member.
 In the 105th Congress, McCain is Chairman of the Senate Commerce, Science
and Transportation Committee, and sits on the Armed Services and Indian
Affairs Committees.

Continuing "Parkinson's Champion" Paul Wellstone of Minnesota, the lead
Senate Democrat sponsor in the Senate, draws on the experiences of his
parents, both of whom suffered with Parkinson's.  Wellstone has been one of
the most vocal and inspirational advocates for the Parkinson's community.
 First elected to the Senate in 1990 and re-elected in November, Senator
Wellstone serves on the Senate Labor & Human Resources Committee.

The House sponsors are long-time Parkinson's champions.  Republican Fred
Upton of Kalamazoo, Michigan begins his sixth term in congress, where he
serves on the House Commerce Committee.  Congressman Upton's uncle suffered
with Parkinson's.

Congressman Henry Waxman of Los Angeles, California joins Upton as lead
Democratic sponsor.  A consistent and powerful spokesman for medical
research, Representative Waxman lead the fight in the House to overturn the
fetal tissue research ban imposed by Presidents Reagan and Bush.  Serving his
twelfth term in the House, he is the second ranking Democrat on the House
Commerce Committee.
Parkinson's Action Network  800-850-4726
818 College Ave., Suite C
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
phone 707-544-1994   fax 707-544-2363  email [log in to unmask]
Washington, D.C. office:
601 13th Street, NW., Suite 310
Washington, DC 20005
phone 202-628-2079    fax 202-628-2077
Brad Udall, Chair
Joan I. Samuelson, President
John L. Dodge, Treasurer
Bonnie K. Mioduchoski, Administrator
Michael Claeys, Community Coordinator
The Action Reporter is a free publication of the Parkinson's Action Network,
a non-profit charitable foundation for a cure for Parkinson's.  Use of this
material in other publication is welcomed.  We ask that the Network be
identified as the source of the material, and notified how, when and where
the material is used.  Simply call 800-850-4726