

At 04:14  12/04/97 -0400, Ronald Carrell wrote:
>To Barbara M.
>        Right on !!!  I would like you to forward that letter to
>Keep it up.  I especially enjoy your knack of getting your point across
>with dry humor.  This type of mis-information sets our cause for funding
>and research back to the beginning. Atta Go!!

I agree! However, I think we should ALL write to ABC. I also saw the 20/20
segment on Parkinson's. To air an article so poorly researched and
misleading is bad enough, but to air it on our first World Parkinson's Day
(and without even mentioning this special occasion) has done us all a
disservice. DBS is also being done in Canada.
Besides the incorrect information that Barb mentioned was the doctor's
statement that pallidotomies are only performed on one side. We know that to
be untrue also.

Judith <[log in to unmask]>