

Ron C....

Thanks for the URL for ABC-TV.    I'll edit my  original message a bit to
the information about bilateral pallidotomies being done regularly.
Hmmm..... (thinking)....  I know lotsa Parkies that have had both sides
operated on, but in
two successive surgeries, weeks or months apart... I wonder is that considered
"bilateral," or is it "two unilateral" pallidotomies?

If anyone knows the answer to the above, please email me ASAP so that I'll
have the correct information in my email to ABC.

BUT---IF you receive this message AFTER today, Sunday, April 13, please DON'T
RESPOND!  (I'll end up with a FLOOD of email, otherwise!) I know this sharp
buncha individuals we have  on the List, and I fully expect to get the correct
information by return email!

By the way, in writing an opinion to a public entity, I ONLY speak for myself,
as writing for a group only carries the desired impact when all in the group
have signed the message with their names too.

Therefore, I STRONGLY urge those of you who DO have thoughts and opinions
concerning the recent comments made on the TV program "20.20" to email ABC-TV
directly yourselves.  Thanks to Ron C. , the correct Internet address (called
a "URL") is:  then select VIEWER COMMENT, then either  NEWS
or SHOW NAME ("20./20" in this case), and let 'em have it! <grin>

GO FOR IT, people!   We ain't gonna be heard unless we make a mighty big ROAR!

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From:   Parkinson's Information Exchange  On Behalf Of Ronald Carrell
Sent:   Sunday, April 13, 1997 10:07 AM
To:     Multiple recipients of list PARKINSN
Subject:        Re: 20/20

                The E-mail address is just then select viewer comment
link then
select news link (or show name).  You might add that you are writing for
several PWPs if you think it would help. Thanks,

                                Ron C. 63/9