

i'd like to thank everyone who has sent advice, information, and
hellos. Barb, just yesterday i sent  my regular MD a fax stating
that things are sliding downhill, and exactly what i meant by that,,
and requested a total re-evaluation. i tend to agree with you that
i am over-medicated, and perhaps some of the medications may
be inappropriate for my particular situation. btw, i did fill the dantrium,
and it has so far been very effective for foot and leg cramps, but at first
doped me up so much i could not even talk
on the telephone. thank god for remote controls!, as igot stuck on
the couch and was afraid to stand up so i took the opportunity to
watch a movie i'd taped the night befpre. but after a few days,
i'm getting adjusted to it. also, i already take 800 i.u. vitamin E every
day, in hopes the reports i've seen on it being neuroprotective
are true. my main problem for quite some time has been balance.
i have tremor but i can cope with that as it's nowhere near as bad
as it first was(no more food art on the floor walls ceiling), i'm
getting into rorschach (sp?) coffee spills on the floor now. i could
take photos if anyone is interested in a little home self-analysis.
i'll let you all know what results i get from faxing my regular MD.
i have also seen a local neurologist who ordered the first MRI,
so if i don't soon get a response, i'm going to try him.
i do generally go to dr. appts. with questions and i generally
get them answered if i do not forget about them.
a final word on the smoking thing. i've smoked for over 20 yrs.
(started young) and got into a discussion with my md one day about it. he
told me (drawing neuronal connections on the wall
with his finger) that every time i smoke a cigarette i get a short
burst of dopamine. if this is true i'm probably doubly addicted.
don't think i'd recommend those short bursts for anyone tho :-)
warmest regards to all........................leigh williams 39/2