

Find the nearest neurologist PD SPECIALIST, usually located at a
"Movement Disorder Clinic" and often with major universities. Call
National Parkinson Foundation (NPF) in Florida 1-800-327-4545 and ask
them for referral names of these specialists.  There are about 40-45
in North America. Also ask them to send you inf. on PD.  They also
have an informative newsletter.  Even if you face a long drive, it
should be worthwhile.  In between visits to these specialists, if they
are too far to go to with each visit, they can send letters to your
local NEUROLOGIST for further guidence in betweeen visits to them.
You are the consumer when you go to a doctor--if they don't or can't
answer your questions, seek out someone who will give you the service
you pay for!  It can be difficult to reach a balance between enough PD
meds to move well and yet keep down hallucinations if someone  has
this side effect.  That's why the experts need consulting!  Good

---Peter Street <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> My father has PD. He is 75 years old and was told he had PD about 6
> years ago. Since then it has progressed at an incredible speed. In
the last
> year he has had an increasing problem with confusion, and lately
> hallucinations. So bad in fact that last week it force us to move
him to a
> hospital setting. He has been very mobile up to and at the present
> he has jaw, hand and leg tremors and walks in a slow shuffle. We are
> to vary his mediation to stop the mental problems and are hoping for
> best. The doctors we are dealing with are really bad at giving out
> information and we also have probably made every possible mistake
and the
> way to this point. It was a real relief to find this site.
>  Can anyone give us some information or point us in the direction in
> regards to drug problems related to confusion and hallucinations in
PD. We
> are hearing the words care centre alot and would rather hear the
phase road
> to recovery.
> Any and all information greatly needed.
> Thank you all
> Peter Street
> [log in to unmask]

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