

        The introduction of the Morris K. Udall Research and Education Bill
was held in the Dirksen Senate office building yesterday, with the press,
Udall family, representatives from PAN, APDA, NPF, PDF, a Parkinson's
researcher from the Univ of Virginia, and PWP from the Washington,, Arizona,
Pennsylvania, and New York/New Jersey area.  It was a wonderful occasion.  I
was so proud to be there with Stan and the other PWP and to finally meet
some of the wonderful people I have 'talked' on this List.

        Speeches were given by all the House and Senate sponsors (Wellstone,
McCain, Upton, and Waxman), Norma Udall(Mo's wife), Brad Udall(Mo's son),
Bob Dolezal, Peter Morabito(NPF chapter),and an MD from Univ of VA who gave
an update on the most exciting possibilities in increased PD research
funding.  The most interesting one I heard from him was that of genetically
engineering one's own cells and replacing them in hopes of them being able
to produce dopamine.

        After lunch, we made the rounds of visiting our representative and
two senator's offices - all of whom are original co-sponsors because we've
been writing them letters, faxes, etc.- to thank them and to give them some
literature on the Bill.  It was a wonderful day and we are SOOO hopeful that
the Bill will pass both Houses this year.  Senator Wellstone was VERY
positive and gave a very inspiring short speech.  Minnesotan's - you have a
GREAT Senator!! BTW, both of his parents have PD.

        Please contact your Rep and Senators in any way you are able to.
With many of them, that's all it takes, is to hear from one of their
constituents.  And you would be surprised to know that there are many who
don't even know about this Bill because it has not been brought to their
attention that it has been introduced again.

        Best wishes to all.

        Susan Hamburger, CG for Stan 62/16+

It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
best, you very often get it.
                     W. Somerset Maughm