

Please delete my name and address from the Parkinson's Information
Exchange.  Thank you.

>From:  Automatic digest processor[SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent:  Thursday, April 10, 1997 12:30 PM
>To:    Recipients of PARKINSN digests
>Subject:       PARKINSN Digest - 9 Apr 1997 to 10 Apr 1997 - Special issue
>There are 21 messages totalling 952 lines in this issue.
>Topics in this special issue:
>  1. Vitamin E
>  2. Udall: We are H.R. 1260 (2)
>  3. Udall: We are S.535 in the Senate
>  4. New Drug May Reduce PD Symptoms
>  5. Introduction of Udall Bill (2)
>  6. Congressional record article on fetal research  3 pages long   Dale
>     sevarance
>  7. [Fwd: [Fwd: Helms in NC]]
>  8. GPI-1046
>  9. What the heck?
> 10. Questions questions questions
> 11. Parkinsons Chat Channel(fwd)
> 12. continuation of second message
> 13. PD and Low Blood Pressure (2)
> 14. conclusions and thoughts re the speech survey
> 15. Intro another lost caregiver where do we start.
> 16. Canadian Parkinson's Resources  (Was another lost caregiver where do we
>     start)
> 17. Sinemet Dosages
> 18. UDALL BILL INTRODUCED press release
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 00:06:28 -0400
>From:    Forrests Mom <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Vitamin E
>If my hair analysis came back and said I had toxic levels of mercury in
>my system, and my health was failing, I would find a dentist to take them
>out, luckily detoxing mercury is not as slow or as hard as lead, but it
>still is a slow process.
>  It is kind of the same thing with the women who had the breast implants,
>the ones with the implants that were getting ill, had to have them removed
>to improve their health, but this does not mean that it will make everyone
>who has these implants sick.
>  I have not studied mercury poisioning very much, so I would make sure
>whatever test indicated that it was toxic was correct, before I would go
>thru the pain and to the expense of this removal.
>                                  Linda Forrest's Mom
>In-reply-to: Your message dated "Wed, 09 Apr 1997 18:14:18 -0400"
> <[log in to unmask]>
>>Like, what are we supposed to do with the mercury fillings in our
>>teeth, eh?
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 03:31:10 -0400
>From:    Phil Tompkins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Udall: We are H.R. 1260
>Here's what I found at Library of Congress web site
>this morning.  The Udall bill has a number in the House.  (The Senate
>version wasn't posted yet):
>SPONSOR: Rep Upton, (introduced 04/09/97)
>A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the
>establishment of a program for research and training with respect to
>Parkinson's disease.
>Apr 9, 97: Referred to the House Committee on Commerce.
>[The Committee on Commerce has a sub-committee on Health and the
>Environment.  Rep. Upton is a member of both.]
>109 COSPONSORS: [Jim Cordy lists 111!]
>     Rep Waxman - 04/09/97
>     Rep Murtha - 04/09/97
>     Rep Abercrombie - 04/09/97
>     Rep Allen - 04/09/97
>     Rep Ackerman - 04/09/97
>     Rep Baldacci - 04/09/97
>     Rep Barrett, T. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Bereuter - 04/09/97
>     Rep Berman - 04/09/97
>     Rep Blagojevich - 04/09/97
>     Rep Blumenauer - 04/09/97
>     Rep Borski - 04/09/97
>     Rep Boucher - 04/09/97
>     Rep Brown, G. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Campbell - 04/09/97
>     Rep Capps - 04/09/97
>     Rep Cardin - 04/09/97
>     Rep Carson - 04/09/97
>     Rep Chambliss - 04/09/97
>     Rep Clayton - 04/09/97
>     Rep Condit - 04/09/97
>     Rep Coyne - 04/09/97
>     Rep Davis, T. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Deal - 04/09/97
>     Rep DeFazio - 04/09/97
>     Rep Dellums - 04/09/97
>     Rep Dingell - 04/09/97
>     Rep English - 04/09/97
>     Rep Eshoo - 04/09/97
>     Rep Evans - 04/09/97
>     Rep Faleomavaega - 04/09/97
>     Rep Fazio - 04/09/97
>     Rep Filner - 04/09/97
>     Rep Flake - 04/09/97
>     Rep Foglietta - 04/09/97
>     Rep Foley - 04/09/97
>     Rep Forbes - 04/09/97
>     Rep Frank - 04/09/97
>     Rep Franks, B. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Frelinghuysen - 04/09/97
>     Rep Frost - 04/09/97
>     Rep Fox - 04/09/97
>     Rep Gallegly - 04/09/97
>     Rep Gilman - 04/09/97
>     Rep Gonzalez - 04/09/97
>     Rep Gutierrez - 04/09/97
>     Rep Hastings, A. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Hefner - 04/09/97
>     Rep Hilliard - 04/09/97
>     Rep Hinchey - 04/09/97
>     Rep Horn - 04/09/97
>     Rep Jackson - 04/09/97
>     Rep Johnson, E. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Kennedy, P. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Kennelly - 04/09/97
>     Rep Klug - 04/09/97
>     Rep Kolbe - 04/09/97
>     Rep Lampson - 04/09/97
>     Rep Lewis, John - 04/09/97
>     Rep Lofgren - 04/09/97
>     Rep Lowey - 04/09/97
>     Rep Maloney, C. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Martinez - 04/09/97
>     Rep Mascara - 04/09/97
>     Rep McCarthy, C. - 04/09/97
>     Rep McDade - 04/09/97
>     Rep McKinney - 04/09/97
>     Rep Meek - 04/09/97
>     Rep Menendez - 04/09/97
>     Rep Miller, G. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Mink - 04/09/97
>     Rep Molinari - 04/09/97
>     Rep Morella - 04/09/97
>     Rep Neal - 04/09/97
>     Rep Norton - 04/09/97
>     Rep Oberstar - 04/09/97
>     Rep Olver - 04/09/97
>     Rep Owens - 04/09/97
>     Rep Pallone - 04/09/97
>     Rep Pascrell - 04/09/97
>     Rep Pastor - 04/09/97
>     Rep Payne, D. - 04/09/97
>     Rep Pelosi - 04/09/97
>     Rep Price - 04/09/97
>     Rep Pryce - 04/09/97
>     Rep Quinn - 04/09/97
>     Rep Ramstad - 04/09/97
>     Rep Rothman - 04/09/97
>     Rep Sabo - 04/09/97
>     Rep Sanchez - 04/09/97
>     Rep Sanders - 04/09/97
>     Rep Schiff - 04/09/97
>     Rep Serrano - 04/09/97
>     Rep Shadegg - 04/09/97
>     Rep Shays - 04/09/97
>     Rep Skaggs - 04/09/97
>     Rep Skeen - 04/09/97
>     Rep Tauscher - 04/09/97
>     Rep Thompson - 04/09/97
>     Rep Thurman - 04/09/97
>     Rep Towns - 04/09/97
>     Rep Traficant - 04/09/97
>     Rep Underwood - 04/09/97
>     Rep Vento - 04/09/97
>     Rep Wise - 04/09/97
>     Rep Yates - 04/09/97
>     Rep Bonior - 04/09/97
>     Rep Hefley - 04/09/97
>     Rep Woolsey - 04/09/97
>Phil Tompkins
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 04:08:19 -0400
>From:    Phil Tompkins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Udall: We are S.535 in the Senate
>>From the same web page from which I got the info on the House
>SPONSOR: Sen McCain, (introduced 04/09/97)
>A bill to amend the Public Health Service Act to provide for the
>establishment of a program for research and training with respect to
>Parkinson's disease.
>Senate Action(s): Apr 9, 97:
>Read twice and referred to the Committee on Labor and Human
>36 COSPONSORS: [Jim Cordy lists 37]
>     Sen Wellstone - 04/09/97
>     Sen Glenn - 04/09/97
>     Sen Cochran - 04/09/97
>     Sen Burns - 04/09/97
>     Sen Moynihan - 04/09/97
>     Sen Harkin - 04/09/97
>     Sen Dodd - 04/09/97
>     Sen Leahy - 04/09/97
>     Sen Bond - 04/09/97
>     Sen Bingaman - 04/09/97
>     Sen Campbell - 04/09/97
>     Sen Mack - 04/09/97
>     Sen Torricelli - 04/09/97
>     Sen Grassley - 04/09/97
>     Sen Inouye - 04/09/97
>     Sen Hollings - 04/09/97
>     Sen Robb - 04/09/97
>     Sen Durbin - 04/09/97
>     Sen Boxer - 04/09/97
>     Sen Bryan - 04/09/97
>     Sen Daschle - 04/09/97
>     Sen Ford - 04/09/97
>     Sen D'Amato - 04/09/97
>     Sen Reid - 04/09/97
>     Sen Lautenberg - 04/09/97
>     Sen Mikulski - 04/09/97
>     Sen Faircloth - 04/09/97
>     Sen Levin - 04/09/97
>     Sen Collins - 04/09/97
>     Sen Kerry - 04/09/97
>     Sen Murray - 04/09/97
>     Sen Reed - 04/09/97
>     Sen Kennedy - 04/09/97
>     Sen Santorum - 04/09/97
>     Sen Feinstein - 04/09/97
>     Sen Rockefeller - 04/09/97
>Phil Tompkins
>Date:    Wed, 9 Apr 1997 23:19:49 -0400
>From:    Martin K Bayne <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: New Drug May Reduce PD Symptoms
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 08:44:12 -0400
>From:    "Susan D. Hamburger" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Introduction of Udall Bill
>        The introduction of the Morris K. Udall Research and Education Bill
>was held in the Dirksen Senate office building yesterday, with the press,
>Udall family, representatives from PAN, APDA, NPF, PDF, a Parkinson's
>researcher from the Univ of Virginia, and PWP from the Washington,, Arizona,
>Pennsylvania, and New York/New Jersey area.  It was a wonderful occasion.  I
>was so proud to be there with Stan and the other PWP and to finally meet
>some of the wonderful people I have 'talked' on this List.
>        Speeches were given by all the House and Senate sponsors (Wellstone,
>McCain, Upton, and Waxman), Norma Udall(Mo's wife), Brad Udall(Mo's son),
>Bob Dolezal, Peter Morabito(NPF chapter),and an MD from Univ of VA who gave
>an update on the most exciting possibilities in increased PD research
>funding.  The most interesting one I heard from him was that of genetically
>engineering one's own cells and replacing them in hopes of them being able
>to produce dopamine.
>        After lunch, we made the rounds of visiting our representative and
>two senator's offices - all of whom are original co-sponsors because we've
>been writing them letters, faxes, etc.- to thank them and to give them some
>literature on the Bill.  It was a wonderful day and we are SOOO hopeful that
>the Bill will pass both Houses this year.  Senator Wellstone was VERY
>positive and gave a very inspiring short speech.  Minnesotan's - you have a
>GREAT Senator!! BTW, both of his parents have PD.
>        Please contact your Rep and Senators in any way you are able to.
>With many of them, that's all it takes, is to hear from one of their
>constituents.  And you would be surprised to know that there are many who
>don't even know about this Bill because it has not been brought to their
>attention that it has been introduced again.
>        Best wishes to all.
>        Susan Hamburger, CG for Stan 62/16+
>It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the
>best, you very often get it.
>                     W. Somerset Maughm
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 09:06:04 -0400
>From:    Dale Severance join list <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Congressional record article on fetal research  3 pages long   Dale
>         sevarance
>>From the Chicago Tribune, April 30, 1995
>An Ethical Dilemma--In Defense of Fetal Tissue Transplants to Treat
>Neurological Disorders
>He was 59 years old and he had had Parkinson's disease for eight years.  His
>body was becoming increasingly rigid andi obile.  He had trouble moving and
>talking clearly.  He had tremors he couldn't stop and he had to give up his
>job. The medication that had helped early in the onset of the illness could
>no longer give him much relief, despite increasing doses. the disease
>inexorably progressed, he decided to try a new, experimental treatment,
>despite the intense political and medical controversy that has marked its
>Surgeons inserted several grafts of fetal tissue into one side of his brain.
> A month later, they repeated the procedure on the other side.  The
>transplants came from seven donors, aborted babies from 6 1/2 to 9 weeks old.
>Within a few weeks after the surge , the man's condition improved markedly,
>according to a report in the current issue of the New England Journal of
>Medicine.  He could once again handle daily activities, even take part in an
>active exercise program.  He needed less medication, but now it was much more
>A year and a half after the first transplant, the patient had surge on his
>ankle to repair damage from a fracture years earlier. he was recovering from
>the operation, he suffered a massive pulmonary embolism and died.
>Studying his brain after death, doctors found conclusive evidence that the
>transplants had worked as hoped.  The fetal neurons had survived, grown and
>were functioning, replacing the patient's damaged brain cells, just as the
>improvement in his symptoms had indicated.
>estimated 200 transplants of fetal tissue into human brains have been done
>over the past several years.  Some have been performed in other countries,
>some under scientifically questionable circumstances.  Results have been
>uneven and often discouraging.
>The case reported this week is important because it is the first to prove
>that fetal tissue transplants can survive and function and that they can be
>linked to a patient's improvement.
>The long-range implications are medical, political and ethical.  The success
>sto offers eventual hope for hundreds of thousands   patients, not only with
>Parkinson's disease but also with Huntington's disease, zheimer's disease and
>other disorders caused by brain cell impairment and destruction for which no
>good treatment or cure is now available.
>Much research is still necessary, however.  More data are needed about
>optimal size of the grafts, whether the tissue can be frozen in advance,
>which patients are likely to benefit, how long improvement will last, whether
>the underlying disease will eventually destroy the new brain cells.
>Fetal tissue is considered necessary for transplants because it can survive
>and grow where grafts of more mature cells do not.  It can take on new
>biological functions, unlike other cells. d the recipient's body is not so
>likely to reject it.
>But the research has been slowed in the past for political and ethical
>The problem is that such transplants almost always must come from
>abortions--and that has raised fierce and intractable opposition from
>pro-life forces.  They see the possibility that women will deliberately get
>pregnant and have an abortion to provide a graft for a loved one--or even
>worse, sell the tissue on some sort of medical black market.
>Even with tight controls, abortion opponents argue, using tissue from aborted
>fetuses will make it easier for women to decide to have an abortion because
>they can rationalize that some desperately ill person could benefit and that
>might ease any guilt feelings they may have.
>Should fetal transplants eventually prove to be of great medical benefit and
>become widely used, it will be even harder to rally the nation to oppose
>abortion--the source of such grafts--pro-life leaders fear.
>In response to anti-abortion fervor, the Reagan administration prohibited the
>use of federal funds for research using
>fetal tissue for humans, a major setback because most research grants are
>based on federal approval.  Some experiments did continue, however, using
>private money, and in other countries.
>Under mounting pressure from Congress, President Bush attempted a compromise.
> He authorized a grant of more than $2 million to study whether fetal tissue
>obtained as a result of miscarriages and ectopic pregnancies--not deliberate
>abortions--could be used for transplants.
>The answer turned out to be no.  Out of 1,500 such fetuses tested, all but
>seven were unsuitable because of chromosome errors (a major cause of
>miscarriage) or problems with bacteria and virus contamination.
>In 1993, President Clinton finally lifted the ban on federal funding for
>fetal tissue research.  The use of such transplants is carefully governed by
>state and federal laws and govenitnent and medical guidelines similar to
>those that cover other transplants, including the Uniform atomical Gift Act
>which has been adopted in all states.
>The starkf acts remain.Abortion is legal in the United States.About.5 million
>occur ever year.  Aborted tissue is now discarded, even though it holds the
>potential for successfully treating several terrible, intractable diseases.
>Abortion is a tragedy, as is death from gunshot wounds and traffic accidents.
> But the success of fetal tissue grafts isn't going to encourage abortion any
>more than organ transplants increase car crashes and murders.
>Research is under way to find other means to treat neurological disorders,
>some of it building on findings from fetal tissue studies.  But until these
>experiments are successful, surely it is more ethical and merciful to try to
>use fetal tissue than simply destroy it.
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:02:08 -0400
>From:    "Stephanie M. Dorsch" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Helms in NC]]
>X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
>Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
>Date: Thu, 10 Apr 1997 08:38:29 -0700
>From: "Stephanie M. Dorsch" <[log in to unmask]>
>Organization: myrtle online
>X-Mailer: Mozilla 2.02E-KIT  (Win16; U)
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: [Fwd: Helms in NC]
>Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------CBC5F785E6A"
>This is a multi-part message in MIME format.
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Wednesday, I spoke with Pat Thompson, responsible for proclamations for
>the State of North Carolina. She expressed willingness to try to assist
>me. Said," wished I had contacted her last month to give her more time."
>Reminded me, that next year if we do this again to give her more time to
>Sent her via fax:
>copies from Parkinson's Information Exchange:
>Please Call Your Governor/Awareness Month.....
>the Proclamation used by the State of Maine....
>Forwarded a copy of a letter I sent to all the NC Congressonal Reps.
>She was to send a copy of what was the decision to do; to the Exchange
>Between this project and planning a year of activities for my Mom's 80
>Birthday, March 12,1997 "Things are happening each week" and she doesnot
>have a clue!
>my mind is truely in the clouds. I refer to my "friend" of 8 years as
>only an acquaintance. I am constantly thinking of fun things to do so I
>don't think.
>L&K S
>Content-Type: message/rfc822
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>Content-Disposition: inline
>Return-Path: [log in to unmask]
>Received: from ( []) by
> (8.8.5/v1.0-cgb) with ESMTP id VAA03038 for
><[log in to unmask]>; Tue, 1 Apr 1997 21:17:23 -0500 (EST)
>From: [log in to unmask]
>Received: (from root@localhost)
>          by (8.7.6/8.7.3/AOL-2.0.0)
>          id VAA03071 for [log in to unmask];
>          Tue, 1 Apr 1997 21:19:19 -0500 (EST)
>Date: Tue, 1 Apr 1997 21:19:19 -0500 (EST)
>Message-ID: <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Helms in NC
>Content-Length: 455
>X-Mozilla-Status: 0001
>Hi Stephanie-
> I am trying to contact as many people in NC as I can asking them to please
>call or write to Senator Jesse Helms and ask him to co-sponsor the Udall bill
>for Parkinson's research.
>If you know of anyone else in NC please ask them to call also.  I live in NJ
>and I will send a letter but it's better if it's from the same state.
>Ask for the Legislative Aid named Karen Koles.
>phone 800-962-3524
>fax 202-228-1339
>thanks for helping,
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 09:23:13 -0400
>From:    Jerry <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: GPI-1046
>This report has been on CBS news last night and again this morning. It
>is being called a potential "CURE" for Parkinson's.
>      Guilford Receives Patent for
>      Compounds that Promote Nerve
>      Growth
>      BALTIMORE, March 27 /PRNewswire/ via Individual Inc. --
>      Guilford Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: GLFD) today announced
>      that the company has been issued U.S. Patent No. 5,614,547 from
>      the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office relating to the compositions
>      and uses of a series of compounds that promote nerve growth
>      and repair for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders.
>      These compounds are neuroimmunophilin ligands, which are
>      orally-active and cross the blood-brain-barrier in animal models.
>      The results of some of Guilford's work in this field with
>      which is covered by the patent, were published earlier this month
>      in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (U.S.A.),
>      Volume 94, Number 5, pp. 2019-2024, 1997.
>      "We are very pleased to announce the issuance of our first U.S.
>      patent in our neuroimmunophilin program. To date, we have filed
>      numerous U.S. and foreign patent applications relating to
>      neuroimmunophilin compounds and their uses. Guilford
>      scientists, utilizing structure-based drug design and
>      chemistry techniques, have synthesized hundreds of small
>      molecule neuroimmunophilin ligands in several distinct chemical
>      series, which possess the ability to cause nerves to grow or
>      regenerate in animals. We are actively investigating our
>      neuroimmunophilin ligands in animal models of a variety of
>      chronic and acute neurodegenerative disorders, such as
>      Parkinson's Disease, Alzheimer's Disease, multiple sclerosis,
>      traumatic spinal cord injuries, peripheral neuropathies, and
>      stroke," commented Dr. Craig R. Smith, President and C.E.0. of
>      Guilford.
>      Guilford Pharmaceuticals Inc. is a biopharmaceutical company
>      engaged in the development of polymer-based therapeutics for
>      cancer, and novel products for the diagnosis and treatment of
>      neurological diseases, including Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's
>      disease, stroke, severe head trauma, spinal cord injuries,
>      sclerosis, peripheral neuropathies, and cocaine addiction.
>      This press release contains forward-looking statements that
>      involve risk and uncertainties, including those described in the
>      Company's Form S-3 (SEC Registration No. 333-23001), that could
>      cause the Company's actual results and experience to differ
>      materially from anticipated results and expectations expressed in
>      these forward-looking statements. In particular, pre-clinical
>      are based on a limited number of animal models, and there can be
>      no assurance that the Company will be able to successfully
>      develop one or more of its compounds into safe and effective
>      FDA-cleared drugs. While the Company has filed numerous
>      patent applications claiming neuroimmunophilin ligands for
>      neurotrophic applications in the U.S. and abroad, the
>      patentability, validity, priority, enforceability, and
>      non-infringement of claims made in such applications cannot be
>      assured. SOURCE Guilford Pharmaceuticals Inc.
>      /CONTACT: Angela Webber of Guilford Pharmaceuticals,
>      410-631-6449; for media, Brad Miles of B.M.C. or for investors,
>      Jonathan Fassberg of The Trout Group, 212-477-9007/ /Guilford
>      Pharmaceuticals press releases available through Company News
>      On-Call by fax, 800-758-5804, ext. 112882, or at
> (GLFD)
>      [Copyright 1997, PR Newswire]
>Visit my WebSite!
>Where the Cowboy Rides Away....
>Stories and music of the country life.
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 09:31:46 -0400
>From:    seese <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: What the heck?
>A           You go right ahead and be "paranoid". I give you our
>pharmacist's reply. Yes, he has heard of it. Yes, he has had info. Yes, it
>will be released soon. he also thinks these pre-release messages are to
>build up demand!!
>Create a need and fill it..
>        We have good pharmacists and they saw us through Sinemet CR running
>all over the countryside to find some,etc. They located the samples for us,
>For Gordon, it was a total waste of time  and energy, as he could not
>tolerate it. Back to the regular stuff. Since then I'm afraid I belong in
>your group, too.
>Thea Seese CG for Gordon 69/21
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 09:38:08 -0400
>From:    Pdf Cpmc <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Udall: We are H.R. 1260
>For those who haven't yet heard, the Senate number is 535.- R. Elliott
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 10:20:19 -0400
>From:    Pdf Cpmc <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Introduction of Udall Bill
>In a message dated 97-04-10 09:40:43 EDT, you write:
>Great report on the Udall bill kick-off!  It was good of you to do this for
>everyone who was not present.
>I enjoyed meeting you and look forward to continuing our conversation about
>Washington. I'll send you materials, as promised.
>Best.  - Robin Elliott
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:12:38 -0400
>From:    Jenny Slater <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Questions questions questions
>I've been lurking here on behalf of a non-internet friend of mine (aged
>late 50s)  who was diagnosed PD (99% certain) a year ago. She is a
>freelance journalist who is obviously worried about how much longer she
>will be able to work, support and care for herself.  She lives alone, and
>has no immediate family.
>She's been on the lowest dosage of Madopar for the last year. Will she
>know when to increase the dosage - are there signs? Does Madopar ever
>stop being effective? Is there a timescale for symptoms/deterioration?
>At the moment the muscles in her right arm are very painful. She did tear
>her ligaments carrying a heavy camera case some time ago, but is worried
>that the pain may be related to PD. If so, will her left side eventually
>be affected as well?
>Is there any evidence that pallidotomy should be done in the earlier
>stages of PD? Is it worth her having a PET scan? Does this show up any
>more than a MRI scan, e.g the scale of depletion of dopamine?
>Thanks in advance for all your help. It's been so educational over the
>last few weeks, and it must be such a lifeline to PWPs and carers -  I am
>touched by the care and support given to everyone by everyone.
>JLT Slater
>[log in to unmask]
>London UK
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:12:02 -0400
>From:    John Cottingham <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Parkinsons Chat Channel(fwd)
>At 05:48 PM 4/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>>Me too. I have a MAC Performa 631CD operating on AOL 2.7. So. Does this mean
>>I can/cannot get on the IRC Parkinsons Chat Channel? And if yes, how?
>>Whichever the case, thanks in advance for the reply.
>>Duane and Patricia
>Pat, I don't know if you will be able to make the trip to the #parkinsons
>channel on the undernet with the Mac...but I need a determined beta tester to
>see how it can be done.
>The version of your AOL software needs to be updated to 3.0...the keyword is
>Chat clients are available for download by typing the keyword IRC. The
>program used by most Mac users who are not on AOL is iRCLE.
>Keep me abreast of your encounters.
>[log in to unmask]      That man may last, but never lives,
>                        Who much receives, but nothing gives;
>HomeBoy #Parkinsons         Whom none can love, whom none can thank,--
>                               Creation's blot, creation's blank.
>John Cottingham           Thomas Gibbons (1720-1785): When Jesus dwelt.
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 07:20:39 -0400
>From:    Allan Goldman <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: continuation of second message
>This should complete the truncated messages sent earlier. To contune
>the second message, Ontogeny in Cambridge Mass. is working with
>growth factors that can, in a Petri dish, transform stem cells into
>mature dopamine producers.
>Amgen has begun clinical trials of GDNF, glial derived neurotrophic
>factor, injected into the brain, as presumably will Ontogeny's .
>I just today found a third report- this one is in the 4 April '97
>issue of Science.It is on the web at
>To summarize, it reports that multipotential cells in the central
>nervous system have been identified and defined mitogens have  caused
>proliferation of these cells in vitro{ in a Petri dish}. Factors that
>control the differentiation of fetal stem cells into neurons and glia
>have been defined in vitro and multipotential cells wiyh similar
>signaling logic can be cultured from the adult central nervous
>system. Thus neuroepithelial cells have the potential to integrate
>into many brain regions.
>It looks as if some real medical breakthroughs are occuring on the
>non-invasive front! I don't relish the idea of catheters and
>Allan Goldman  [log in to unmask]
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:30:55 -0400
>From:    Allan Rosenberg <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: PD and Low Blood Pressure
>The parkinson's medication contribute to the low blood pressure and it is
>quite common, leading to fainting etc.  Add salt to the diet it might help.
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 03:19:54 -0400
>From:    Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: conclusions and thoughts re the speech survey
>To: Tom Riess,   Thanks for an excellent analysis of speech problems, and
>a useful set of recommendations. I am fortunate in not having a speech
>(so far), but I was reminded of a technique which I used to use when I was
>still employed, and had to conduct really serious high-pressure
>telephone conversations. Very simple really- I closed my eyes. I was making
>use of the same point which you make, regarding speech in the absence of
>thought formulation: By reducing the number of parallel inputs all fighting
>for the brain's attention, it frees more channels to devote to the task of
>Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 07:35:13 -0400
>From:    Brian Collins <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: Intro another lost caregiver where do we start.
>On Tue 08 Apr, Peter Street wrote:
>> My father has PD. He is 75 years old and was told he had PD about 6 six
>> years ago. Since then it has progressed at an incredible speed. In the last
>> year he has had an increasing problem with confusion, and lately sever
>> hallucinations. So bad in fact that last week it force us to move him to a
>> hospital setting. He has been very mobile up to and at the present although
>> he has jaw, hand and leg tremors and walks in a slow shuffle. We are trying
>> to vary his mediation to stop the mental problems and are hoping for the
>> best. The doctors we are dealing with are really bad at giving out
>> information and we also have probably made every possible mistake and the
>> way to this point. It was a real relief to find this site.
>>  Can anyone give us some information or point us in the direction in
>> regards to drug problems related to confusion and hallucinations in PD. We
>> are hearing the words care centre alot and would rather hear the phase road
>> to recovery.
>> Any and all information greatly needed.
>> Thank you all
>> Peter Street
>> [log in to unmask]
>Hello Peter, the first step which we need is for you to list the drugs which
>your father is taking. Can you list the Drug name, the quantity, and the time
>at which he takes it.
>Brian Collins  <[log in to unmask]>
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 11:46:35 -0400
>From:    YoungPD I&R <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Canadian Parkinson's Resources  (Was another lost caregiver where do
>         we start)
>Dear Listfriends:
>Although the North American traffic on this list is skewed a bit more toward
>American groups and resources, there are a number of Canadian associations
>which can also provide  Movement Disorder Clinic/Specialist referrals and
>information on local support groups.
>According to information provided by the PFC (Parkinson Foundation of
>Canada), there are approximately ten Movement Disorder Clinics in Canada
>alone.   To contact the PFC, you may either write or call (in Canada only)
>Parkinson Foundation of Canada
>310 Bay St. #710
>Toronto Ontario
>M5H 272
>1-800-565-3000 (English)
>1-800-720-1307 (French)
>There are other groups in Canada which may also be worth a try.
>Parkinson's Society of Ottawa-Carleton
>Ottawa Civic Hospital
>1053 Carling Avenue
>Ottawa, Ontario
>KIY 4E9
>The Parkinson's Society of Southern Alberta
>600 Sloane Square
>5920 - IA STreet, SW
>Calgary, Alberta T2H 0G3
>416- 258-2595
>Victoria Parkinson's Association
>Vancouver, 1-800-668-3330
>We hope this information helps - and if there are more centers and
>associations, we'd love to hear about them.
>APDA Young Parkinson's I&R Center
>[log in to unmask]
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:13:01 -0400
>From:    Allan Rosenberg <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Sinemet Dosages
>I am curious as to what constitutes a low, average or high dose of
>Sinemet/Sinemet CR.
>Barbara has just been increased to the following regimen, would it be
>considered "abnormally" high or is there "room to grow" ?
>Sinemet 25/100        3 tablets daily
>Sinemet CR 50/200   7 tablets daily
>Permax .25mg        11 tablets daily
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:26:02 -0400
>From:    "Hilton, Carole" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Re: PD and Low Blood Pressure
>Jackie,  You write....
>>I'm writing on behalf of my 80-year-old
>>father-in-law, who's had Parksinson's for a few years.  During the last 2
>>years or so, he's had a problem with orthostatic hypotension.  In other
>>words, sometimes, when he stands up, his blood pressure drops extremely
>>low.  He's passed out a few times, and had to be taken to the emergency
>>room a few times.
>>Also, we live in the L.A. area.  I don't know if this question is
>>appropriate, but if it is--does anyone know a good PD specialist here?
>Dr. Abraham Lieberman, clinical director of the National Parkinson
>Foundation, comes to Los Angeles twice a month to see patients in
>consultation.  He sees patients at the Good Samaritan Hospital.  If you
>are interested in possibly having your father-in-law see Dr. Lieberman,
>I can help to arrange it.  Carole
>>Carole Hilton, LCSW
>>Parkinson's Coordinator
>>NPF Patient Services and Outreach Program
>>The Neurosciences Institute, Good Samaritan Hospital
>>637 S. Lucas, #501
>>Los Angeles, CA  90017
>>800-841-8765      [log in to unmask]
>Date:    Thu, 10 Apr 1997 12:30:32 -0400
>From:    [log in to unmask]
>Subject: UDALL BILL INTRODUCED press release
>PRESS RELEASE  contact :Nancy Ives 202-224-7130 April 10, 1997
>from U.S. Senator John McCain Arizona
>McCain Fights To Increase funding For Parkinson's Disease Research.
>-Authorizes $100M for Research, Establishes 10 Research Centers &
>     WASHINGTON D.C. --  In an effort to significantly increase the funding
>for Parkinson's disease research, Senator John McCain (R-AZ) introduced the
>Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research and Education Act of 1997 that would
>authorize $100 million for disease research, establish ten research centers
>across the country, and create a national Parkinson's Disease Information
>Clearinghouse.  The bill honors Arizona Congressman Mo. Udall, currently
>afflicted with Parkinson's who retired in 1991 after serving 30 years in the
>     "It is imperative that we give our scientific researchers the necessary
>funding and support to combat this debilitating, degenerative disease that
>afflicts millions of Americans," said McCain.  "This bill will help us make
>significant scientific progress in finding a cure for a disease that knows no
>boundries, does not discriminate and strikes without warning."
>     With approximately 50,000 people diagnosed with Parkinson's disease each
>year, the bill increases the authorization for Parkinson's disease direct
>research from $32 million in FY96 to $100 million in FY97.  It also
>establishes up to ten Morris K. Udall Centers for Research on Parkinson's
>Disease throughout the nation.  Set-up in a manner which would allow them to
>become a source for developing teaching programs for health care
>professionals and disseminating programs for public use, these centers would
>conduct basic and clinical research in addition to delivering care to
>Parkinson's patients.
>     In addition, the bill creates a national Parkinson's Disease Information
>Clearinghouse which would gather and store pertinent data on Parkinson's
>patients and their families and facilitate and enhance the knowledge and
>understanding of Parkinson's disease.  In order to recognize investigators
>whose work has demonstrated significant potential for the diagnosis or
>treatment of the disease, the bill would establish a Morris K. Udall
>Excellence Award.
>     In the 104th congress, a similar bill (S.684) unanimously cleared the
>Labor Committee and passed the Senate as part of the National Institute of
>Health (NIH) reauthorization bill (S.1897).  However, despite the bill's
>broad bipartisan support -- 62 co-sponsors in the Senate and 235 co-sponsors
>in the House -- it failed to reach the House floor for a vote.  The bill,  as
>introduced today, ccurrently has 36 co-sponsors.
>     "We must support and enact the Morris K. Udall Parkinson's Research and
>Education Act of 1997," said McCain.  "We can not allow this opportunity to
>make significant progress in the area of Parkinson's research slip away
>because of a lack of support for our nation's scientific researcher."
>End of PARKINSN Digest - 9 Apr 1997 to 10 Apr 1997 - Special issue