

From: Delda White <[log in to unmask]> about her Dad's diarrhea.  I imagine
that it is caused from his meds, but many people have adverse reactions to
Aspartame, a sweeterner marketed under the trade name NutraSweet that is
used in diet sodas. It might be worth a try to cut out the diet Cola.
It would be better to drink the regular cola.

Now I have a question.  Has anyone experienced chest, arm pains that are not
related to the heart.  My husband, Don 62/12 has had two bouts which happens
in the middle of the night and lasts about one hour. After both we saw the
doctor, the last time he was put in the hospital for all the normal heart
tests and they are quite sure that isn't the cause.  I think it might be
muscles spasms after working harder than usual. Nancy