

Reply to message from [log in to unmask] of Fri, 11 Apr
Hi Mary!
Can you give me a few pointers on purchasing a w.c.access. van?

Nancy Mullen
>Just had to respond to your e=mail.  I'm CG for husband 75/11 and he went
>through hallucinations especially anytime medication was adjusted upward.  A
>neurologist suggested I take him off of his 2nd Elderpryl (Selegine).  I
>didn't as our personal neurologist didn't.
>We have a second marriage of 16 years and I tell both sets of children
>everything as I had open heart surgery 2 years ago unexpectantly and all hell
>broke loose, ha, with other CGs.  We made it through and just bought a new
>van with a lift for his new scooter.
>Hang in there IYU
