

I count my blessings daily -  I think of all the things you mentioned we
could have -  Even more I am thankful this is 1997, not 1967 which is when my
Mother In law died with (Not From - but related to in that she had a very bad
fall while in a nursing home and the fall was a result of pd.

None of us really understood what her problem was or how to cope with it.
  She had constant fear and suspition of everyone, especially those closest
to her.  What a blessing I enjoy with the most wonderful, caring, husband and
3 children, my family and countless friends.    People often say to me, How
can you be so "up" all the time and don't complain about anything or say "why
me".   My answer is I didn't question when all the good and wonderful things
that have happened to me happened.   My only big regrete is my husband having
to go thru this again.