

WELL today was the day, the neuroligist was going to be told about the
wonderful properties of Aricept. He said he was familiar with it being
used to treat Alzheimers, but it was not a good idea to give it to my
father, who he decided was doing well, after asking him some questions,
he said he was lucid, and did not want to "rock the boat" by changing or
adding meds at this time. He also wants to do another  checkup in 3 months.
He implied that the Aricept's positive effects may have been a placebo
effect for Carol's mom. I feel differentl

Ken Becker
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On Mon, 7 Apr 1997, WENDY HENRY wrote:

> Great!  Hope it works out well for him, AND for your mother.  Has anyone out
> there had any experience with the Aricept having a good effect on speech?  My
> mother speaks well, but she has to speak so-oo-ooo slowly that it's frustrating
> for her (except when she's mad at my dad, she can get a pretty good pace going
> then!).  Well, let us know.  I'm going to copy all info. from this list for my
> parents' Dr., who is always very happy to look over anything we think will
> help.  Any further info. will be great!
> Wendy
> CG for Ruth (77/4+)