

Dear Friends,

In response to a couple of entries I've seen over the last few days...I speak to
the Upjohn-Pharma
folks at least a couple of times a week and they're as anxious (well, nearly as
anxious) to ship
Mirapex-pramipexole as we are to have it at our local pharmacies.  While the
drug has received its
initial approval, Upjohn hasn't been given permission (unless it's been in the
last forty-eight hours or
so) to ship.  They're ready.  It's still in the FDA's ballpark.  Hopefully,
however, both Mirapex and
ropinerole will be released very soon.  Keep watching the list...I'm sure that
as soon as the drugs
are allowed to ship, someone will enter it here.  However, I'm going to be
traveling a lot over the next
month so it may not be me.  You're welcome to call the NPF offices, however, to
Coast office is (inside Calif.) 800-400-8448; outside Calif, 800-522-8855; Miami
NPF headquarters,

Kim Seidman, NPF