

> From: Mark Atyeo <[log in to unmask]>
> Subject: Re: Clozaril / Clozapine
> Date: Tuesday, 15 April 1997 3:57

> provided enough of an excuse for her medico who was well aware of the
> beneficial 'side-effects' of Clozaril which had been noted to relieve
> dyskinesia,  to call in a psychiatrist  who was able to place Margaret on
> the experimental programme and prescribe the drug. Margaret has since

I have a "window" of about 4 hours that I can "slide" up or down to suit
appointments, etc., and my teaching commitments, by varying my Sinimet
dosage and timings.

If I mistime things, I get severe "end-of-dose" dyskenesia.  I have found
that I can control this very adequately with 10mg. Sinequan (Doxepin
Hydrochloride), which I was prescribed for "waking nightmares", panic
attacks, and other "heeby-jeebies" caused by PD and/or medication.

This leads me to wonder if *any* of the anti-depressant/calmative drugs
*might* be similarly effective?  (NO EXPERIMENTING!  :-)   )

I tend to take a more lateral-thinking approach to PD than do most medicos.
 However I *always* discuss *any* proposed changes of medication and/or
"experiments" with my GP and neurologist.
