

Margie Swindler wrote in answer to a previous post of mine:

>>When they had to remove part of my colon last summer, they found
>>partially dissolved Sinemet CR tablets in my abdominal cavity in the
>>area where my colon perforated.

>Do the doctors think the presence of the CR against the wall of the colon was
>the cause of the perforation?  Is so, that might be even more motivation for
>PWP to make sure they take Propulsid or a stool softener or whatever it takes
>to keep things moving.

No, If they felt the CR had caused the perforation, they didn't say it to me.
But they sure won't let me take Propulsid now at all, which
is just as well, as it gave me diarrhea anyway.
  I personally  felt that the CR had caused constipation, which I had not been
bothered with too much, then the MD gave me propulsid and I developed
a bad case of diarrhea.  My color ruptured while I was having a bout
of diarrhea, which I know is just the opposite of what happens to most
  It seemed that for about a month last May I either was constipated
or had diarrhea, and I went to my MD who did all sorts of Blood work,
and it came back normal, but over Memorial Day last May, in the middle
of the night, I sure had to have emergency surgery.  So I have come to
the conclusion, after thinking it over all these months, that it's just one
of those things that happens to PWP and no one really knows enough
about it to predict what will happen.  Maybe if I had gone to my Neurologist
instead of my regular MD, he might have known.  But unfortunately, since
the MD
is the one who gave me the propulsid, I went back to him
Anyway, it's rather futile to try to second guess what might have been.
>We're glad to hear your knee is operable again.  Have you heard of anyone
>else having problems with a knee popping out of place due to foot-drop?

No, but I just heard from someone whose hip is snapping out of the socket
from foot drop.
>From what my Doctors tell me and the Brace Technician agrees with them,
PWP's walk with their hips instead of their legs, which causes our toes not
to raise high enough to clear the floor.  It also causes us to shuffle instead
of picking up our feet and walking normally. My right side is my affected
lucky I'm left handed.

 I can't say enough about this brace---it's been a
God send, my knee cap has been snapping out of place till I have had
to get out a crutch and use a crutch under one arm (right arm and right leg),
I can't use a pair of crutches, because my balance it too bad.
The technician told me I'd probably have to wear the brace for 3 or 4 hours
a day until I get used to it, but it is rather like the Sinemet, I guess I
needed it
so badly there wasn't any need to get used to it, I just put it on and went.
The brace is not bothering me at all, and its so nice not to be walking
along and hearing
a big crack (clearly audible to anyone in the room), and then having to sit
and get in a really weird position to make the knee cap snap back in place.
>Best wishes, Margie (another Marjorie) Swindler  cg for Dick, 52/15
> [log in to unmask]

Thanks for your concern.

As Ever,
Marjorie Moorefield
just another librarian, with PD