

From: Tebay, Wendy on Fri, Apr 18, 1997 2:21 PM
Subject: Wine and Alzheimers
To: PD Listserv Postings

Just wanted to pass along this story I caught on CNN last night.
Someone at the University of Bordeaux in France did a study of the
local population over 65, and noticed that it seems to be that those
who drink around 3-4 glasses of wine a day have a 2/3 less chance of
developing Alzheimers and/or dementia.  It's only a small study, so
further tests will have to be done.

Whether this can translate at all to PD, I don't know, but I think the
Europeans often have a better attitude about enjoying life, including
long meals and lots of vacation, and that can never hurt anyone in my

Wendy Tebay