

ircle 2.5 Download and Installation Instructions

Locate ircle 2.5 in the AOL Software Library.  It may also be called =8Ci=
rcle US68K=B9 or =8Circle USfat.sit.bin=B9, a binary file.  I believe it =
works for 68xxx chips and Power PC also.  Download in the normal fashion.=
  The file well need to be decompressed and unstuffed, (Stuffit Expander =
will usually do this automatically.  You may need something like MacBinar=
y to decode the sit.bin version).  Go to the folder where it is located. =
 You should find a folder named ircle 2.5. Open the folder and find the a=
pplication.  Make an alias to launch from your Launcher, or launch the ap=
plication right from the folder.  You will probably see a share ware noti=
ce offering.  I believe ircle is well worth the $15.00.  Support is readi=
ly available, even from the author himself.  In any case you have 30 days=
 to form your own opinion.  Once launched and your passed the share ware =
notice you have access to the ircle help file under the Apple Menu.  The =
instructions which follow should help you configure ir
cle in a way that AOL users can reach IRC.

ircle 2.5 Configuration for AOL Users=20

Open the Startup preferences (File Menu). Now choose your IRC server. AOL=
 users will want to use the server.  =
When you drag down the server menu you will notice that this server is no=
where to be found.  No matter drag the menu all the way to the bottom whe=
re you will find =B3Other Server=B2.  Select this and a dialogue box will=
 appear.  Type in the above server name, ie.
.org=B2.  Check the box which asks, =B3add to list?=B2.  Press OK and it =
will return you to the previous dialogue box, and washington will be the =
server name.
Next choose the port number.  This should be 6667.  I believe it should b=
e this number by default, if not type it in.
Set your nickname. It may not contain spaces or other special characters.=
 Basically only letters and numbers (up to 9).

Set up your username.  This is usually the 1st part of your email address=
, but neither the username field or real name field are mandatory.  Howev=
er something should be there.

Set up your real name field. This info can be seen when other users on ir=
c do a /WHOIS on you.=20

Close the dialog.=20

Save Preferences (File menu).

Choose Open connection in the File Menu.
You should get something like this:

*** server connection established
*** Welcome to .... etc.

(See the Ircle Help file for more help, especially with the meaning of co=

After this you are on IRC. Type command-J (JOIN) to join a channel. #maci=
ntosh or #mac is a good start, and of course #parkinsons.

if you get

*** Open failed
*** Name search failed.

Check the spelling of the server name to be sure it is exactly as above, =
(no quotes of course).

There are many other prefs to set, but you have enough set here to join I=
RC and the #parkinsons, home of The Parkinson=B9s Information and Fun Cha=

See you there,
