

Barb Patterson said:

>In the last few weeks, we have  had dozens of subscriptions from what I am
>assuming are hackers who have nothing better to do with their lives that
>make trouble for others.  I have deleted those subscriptions which were
>obviously from these idiots but some may have got on the list.

FYI... The latest way for kids on the major online systems to "get back at" or
to take revenge upon someone online that they're angry with is to either send
them "email bombs," which is a software-generated BLITZ consisting of up to
THOUSANDS of emails literally dumped into the recipient's emailbox for hours
and requiring manual deletion!  Usually there's some obscene message attached,
PLUS, as an added "insult to injury," the RECIPIENT'S OWN NAME is usually
listed as the individual who's SENT themselves the email bomb.  There are free
programs available for download on the Internet that automatically insert your
name as the SENDER of the email bombs YOU receive or in an email bombing to
someone you don't even know!

There are programs that can rob YOU of your own personal email address and use
IT on their email bombs to other individuals!  For instance, originally
unbeknownst to me my own email address,  [log in to unmask], was used by others
in this manner and believe me, when you discover it, you feel like you've been
assaulted!!  I stumbled upon this when 2 emails were returned to me by a
postmaster because of address errors.   And those messages contained
obscenities and threats directed towards another person, listing ME as the

I originally heard about the email bombs because so many of the MSN forum
managers (of which I'm one) as well as forum managers and staff of other major
online systems have been targeted for this type of harassment and these
viscous pranksters got to my account eventually.  Do you have ANY idea what
it's like to receive 6000 emails in a 24 hour period???

The OTHER "revenge" that these youthful tyrants have begun doing is what Barb
Patterson has mentioned... They subscribe someone (and usually an individual
they don't even personally know!) for HUNDREDS, and sometimes THOUSANDS....
that's T*H*O*U*S*A*N*D*S.... of Internet List Groups,, 'causing that
individual to have to UNsubscribe one at a time OR to have to change their
email address completely (with all the aggravation and time involved in doing
THAT) in order to break the cycle of repeated assaults.

There are actually Web Sites that these kids have started that they can list
someone's name on, and tell others that the named individual DESERVES to be
email bombed or signed up to Listserv groups, and then other kids come along
and get names to send the bombs to.  Once you're caught up in a loop like
this, it NEVER stops! <says the voice of experience>

So, dear Barb P., I hate to tell ya this, but you're just seeing the tip of a
virtual iceberg which is going to get worse before it gets better... MUCH
worse, I fear.

Barb Mallut
[log in to unmask]